IIW 2014 Annual Report


Q U A L I F I C A T I O N A N D C E R T I F I C A T I O N E D U C A T I O N , T R A I N I N G ,

To identify, develop and implement the IIW’s Education, Training, Qualification and Certification systems on a global basis.

Almost 11,000 diplomas were awarded world- wide during 2014, with more than 150 new certificates issued for Personnel and more than 200 new Companies certified, according to ISO 3834. MOST SIGNIFICANT ACTIVITIES DURING 2014: Since 2010, the International Education, Training, Qualification and Certification Sys- tems have been growing and have become self- sustainable and in 2014, the focus was towards strengthening and consolidating these systems. To achieve this goal, IAB Group A (Education, Training and Qualification) and IAB Group B (Implementation, Authorisation and Certifi- cation) continued their activities of updating and/or revising existing guidelines and rules and developing of new ones which address potential markets. Other key 2014 activities included: • The review and issue of the IIW/IAB rules and operating procedures related to the ANBs and ANBCCS activities. • The issue of the revised guidelines for Personnel with Qualification for Welding Coordination and International Welder Part I. • The review and issue of ANBCC Assessment of Manufacturers of Welded Products. • The inclusion of Health and Safety subject in all guidelines.

INTERNATIONAL AUTHORISATION BOARD (IAB): The IAB works continuously towards the fol- lowing aims: • The development of harmonised education, training and qualification systems to provide the welding industry with qualified and skilled personnel at all levels. • The development of a harmonised international scheme for Quality Companies Certification, according to ISO 3834 and Certification of Welding Personnel with coordination responsibilities. • The promotion of the interests of the international welding community via its members worldwide. AUTHORISED NATIONAL BODIES (ANBS) / AUTHORISED NATIONAL The ANB network stabilized in 2014, with two countries applying also for ANBCC, being New Zealand Fully Authorized. The IAB Board Working Group, working on the development of IAB strategy, further developed the already existing document with several new proposals mainly focused on cooperation activities among ANBs and ANBCCs. In 2014, the network of IAB Members, ANBs and ANBCCs comprised 46 countries, 45 ANBs among which 11 with Certification of Personnel, 27 ANBCCs, 3 with Applicant Status for ANB and 3 for ANBCC. BODIES FOR COMPANIES CERTIFICATION (ANBCCS):

Mr James Guild Chair of IAB South Africa

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