INNOVATION July-August 2012

CPD Committee Members Sought The APEGBC Continuing Professional Development Committee is composed of individuals committed to the principal of continuous learning. The committee advises on policies, needs and opportunities for members’ professional development; provides periodic review of the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Guideline; and provides oversight and monitoring of the implementation of the CPD program. Currently, the committee is seeking new volunteer members. Interested volunteers, either professional members, licensees or members-in-training, should have a strong personal commitment to lifelong learning and a desire to advance the standards of professional development for the professions of engineering and geoscience in BC. A time commitment of up to six two- hour meetings per year should be expected in addition to occasional input by e-mail. To express your interest, please send a letter to outlining why you would like to participate in the committee and the experience and attributes you would contribute. More information can be obtained by contacting Ailene Lim, Acting Associate Director, Member Services at the above e-mail address or (604) 412-4899 or toll-free at 1-888-430-8035 ext 4899.

Branches Active Throughout the Spring Branches play a fundamental role in increasing member engagement by supporting and driving member engagement in many ways. In the last Branch Engagement report to Council for April 12 to June 5, 2012, the branches highlighted their activities in the areas of outreach, and association and member support. Outreach Initiatives This past spring, the Central Interior Branch held four sessions presenting “An Introduction to engineering and geoscience –test your engineering skills” to 150 Girl Guides. These sessions focused on delivering fun and engaging activities as a way to encourage girls to explore engineering, geoscience and other scientific fields further. Meanwhile, members of the Fraser Valley Branch participated as judges for the University of the Fraser Valley’s science fair, interacting with students at the event. The Richmond/Delta Branch held an EIT/GIT log book seminar, speaking with university students about APEGBC and the benefits of membership, while getting them ready for the next step in their careers as members-in-training. Similarly, members of the Okanagan Branch spent time at the UBC Okanagan campus to talk with engineering students and The Okanagan Branch appointed a branch representative, Keith Recsky PEng, to the Mentoring Committee. The branches continued to promote and support APEGBC’s Mentoring Program, helping to seek mentoring matches for applicants and members-in- training with professional members in their region and discipline. Spring Branch Representatives Meeting At the end of April, APEGBC held its Spring Branch Representatives Meeting. Members of the 15 branch executive groups from around the province gathered in Richmond, BC, to share and exchange ideas. Branch representatives met with Council members over dinner and a presentation on volunteer engagement, recruitment and retention. This was followed with a full-day business meeting where branch representatives reviewed past goals and worked towards setting new areas of focus for the upcoming year. APEGBC’s Branches are always looking for new volunteers, especially in the regions outside of the lower mainland. For more information visit: recruit new volunteers for their branch activities. Association and Member Support

600 Members attended branch events across the province.

4 Branches held their AGMs

(Fraser Valley, Burnaby/NewWestminster, Peace River and Victoria).

150 Girl Guides experimented with engineering activities in the Central Interior

Quality Management Guideline Webinars Available Online To support member practice in light of Quality Management Bylaw 14(b), APEGBC recently published six quality

recordings of the webinars are now available for viewing on the APEGBC website. In conjunction with Quality Management Bylaw 14(b), the guidelines provide guidance and establish a standard of care for APEGBC professionals to follow in their practices. Professionals need to be aware of their obligations in this regard and how it relates to their own work.   The video recordings of the webinars are available online at

management guidelines on the following topics: use of the APEGBC professional seal; direct supervision; retention of project documentation; documented checks of engineering and geoscience work; independent review of structural designs; and field review of projects during implementation or construction. On May 15, May 24 and June 6, 2012, three webinars were held to introduce the new guidelines. The video


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