USD Men's Basketball 1997-1998



JAN. 15 AT SPOKANE, WA; JAN. 24 AT USD Basketball SID : O liver Pierce


Location: Spokane, Wash ington Nickname: Bu lldogs; Zags Colors: Blue, White and Red Enrollment: 5,000 Conference: West Coast Acting President: Harry Sladich Ath leti c Director: Dan Fitzgerald Coach: Dan Monson Alma M ater & Year: Idaho, 1985 Record at GU : First Season Assistants: Mark Few, Bil I Grier, Scott Didrickson

SID Office Phone: (509) 328-4220, ext. 6373 SID Fax II/Press Row: 324-5730/ext. 4224 Last Season's Record: 15-14 Series Record: 26-1 6 GU Last Meeting: 64-59 USD (3-1-97) Lettermen Ret./Lost: 10/6 Starters Ret./Lost: 4/1 PLAYERS TO WATCH: • Matt Santangelo 6-1 So G • Bakari Hendrix 6-8 Sr C • Axel Dench 6-1 1 So C 13.2 ppg 11.5 ppg 7.7 ppg JAN. 17 AT PORTLAND, OR; JAN . 22 AT USD Basketball SID: Steve Wa lker SID O/H Phone: (503) 283-7439/690-9688 SID Fax II/Press Row: 283 -7242/283 -7527


Location: Portland, Oregon Nickname: Pilots Colors: Purple and White Enroll ment: 2,700 Conference: W est Coast President: Rev. David T. Tyson, CSC Athletic Director: Joe Etzel Coach: Rob Chavez Al ma Mater & Year: Mesa College, 1980 Record at UP: 49-37/3 Years Assistants: Jim Shaw, Jason Levy, Richard Lucas Locat ion: Los Angeles, California Nickname: Lions Colors: Crimson and Blue Enrollment: 3,900 Conference: W est Coast President: Rev. Thomas P. O 'M alley, S.J. Ath letic D irector: Brian Quinn Coach: Charl es Bradley Alma Mater & Year: Wyom ing, 1981 Record at LMU: First Season Assistants: Ronnie Stubbs, Gib Arnold, Bi ll Garnett PEPPERDINE UNIVERSITY Location: Malibu, California Nickname: Waves Colors: Blue, Orange and Wh ite Enrol lment: 7,800 Conference: West Coast President: David Davenport Athletic Director: Wayne Wright Coach : Lorenzo Roma r Alma Mater & Year: Washington, 1980 Record at PEP: 6-21/1 Year Ass istants: Randy Bennett, Darwin Cook, Ken Ammann LOYOLA MARYMOUNT UNIV.

Last Season 's Record: 9-18 Series Record: 24-1 6 USD Last Meeting: 76-69 USD (2-13-97) Lettermen Ret./Lost: 7/6

Starters Ret./Lost: 4/ 1 PLAYERS TO WATCH: • Chivo Anderson

6-5 Sr G 12.1 ppg * Jimm ie Rainwater 6-6 Jr F 12. 1 ppg * Jason Frankl in 6-4 So G 10.5 ppg JAN. 30 AT LOS ANGELES; FEB. 7 AT USD Basketball SID: Dan Smith SID O/H Phone: (3 10) 338-7643/670-2824 SID Fax II/Press Row: 338-2703/670-8792

Last Season's Record: 7-21 Series Record: 30-23 LMU Last Meeting: 72-69 USD (2-20-97) Lettermen Ret./Lost: 9/3

Starters Ret./Lost: 3/2 PLAYERS TO WATCH: * Ken ny Hotopp

6-10 Sr C

11.7 ppg 11.3 ppg 9.7 ppg

* Tim Kennedy 6-5 Jr F * Ben Ammermann 6-7 Sr F JAN . 31 AT MALIBU; FEB. 5 AT USD Basketball SID: Michael Zapo lski

SID O/H Phone:(310) 456-4333;(818) 597-1562 SID Fax II/Press Row: 456-4322/456-5050

Last Season's Record: 6-21 Series Record: 39-16 PEP Last M eeting: 64-56 USD (2-22-97) Lettermen Ret./Lost: 5/5

Starters Ret./Lost: 3/2 PLAYERS TO WATCH: * Bryan H il l

6-8 Sr F 14.5 ppg * Marc M cDowell 6-7 Jr F 10.3 ppg * Gerald Brown 6-3 Sr G 17.8 ppg

FEB. 11 AT USD; FEB. 14 AT MORAGA Basketball SID: Andy McDowell


Location: Moraga, California Nickname: Gaels Colors: Red & Blue Enrollment: 4,000 Conference: West Coast

SID O/H Phone: 510/63 1-4402; 229-3013 SID Fax II/Press Row: 631-4405; 631-4699

Last Season's Record: 23-8 Series Record: 21-20 SMC Last Meeting: 76-71 USD (2- 1-97) Lettermen Ret./Lost: 11 /4

President: Br. Mel Anderson, FSC Ath letic D irector: Rick Mazzuto Coach: Dave Bollwinkel Alma Mater & Year: California, 1972 Record at SMC: First Season Assista nts: Gary Cook, Tim Murphy, David Carter

Starters Ret./Lost: 3/2 PLAYERS TO WATCH: * David Sivulich

5-10 Sr G 7-3 Jr C 6-5 So G

14.1 ppg 12.4 ppg 7.2 ppg

* Brad Mil lard * Eric Knapp

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