ENTSOG TYNDP 2017 - Annex A2 - Project Details

Current TYNDP : TYNDP 2017 - Annex A

Page 151 of 620

NDP and PCI Information


Start Date

End Date

Third-Party Access Regime

Pre-Feasibility Feasibility

Considered TPA Regime Considered Tariff Regime Applied for Exemption

No (The project was not included in the last NDP that was published in 2008. The project was identified later on, and was

Regulated Regulated

01/2017 01/2017

05/2018 05/2018 03/2018 12/2019


No No

selected as PCI by the European Commission in 2013 and in 2015. Additionally, this project is being

Part of NDP

Market Test Permitting

Exemption Granted


considered in the High Level Group on Interconnections for South-West Europe. )

Exemption in entry direction Exemption in exit direction

Supply Contracts FID

0.00% 0.00%

05/2018 12/2021

NDP Number






Currently PCI

Yes (5.4)

CBCA Decision Market Survey


Not Relevant (no CBCA decision)

Pipelines and Compressor Stations Pipeline Section

Pipeline Comment

Diameter (mm) Length (km) Compressor Power (MW)

According to the best available data of the reassessment that LV EHLQJ GHYHORSHG E\ (QDJiV DQG 5(1 *DVRGXWRV WKH common capacity value is 70 ES-PT & 70 GWh PT-ES. Capacities on the Spanish side before applying the lesser rule: 70 ES-PT & 70 GWh PT-ES According to the best available data of the reassessment that LV EHLQJ GHYHORSHG E\ (QDJiV DQG 5(1 *DVRGXWRV WKH common capacity value is 70 ES-PT & 70 GWh PT-ES. Capacities on the Spanish side before applying the lesser rule: 70 ES-PT & 70 GWh PT-ES

CS Zamora


Zamora - Portuguese Border






PCI Details

Project changes the capability to transmit gas across the borders of the member states concerned by at least 10%, compared to the situation prior to the commissioning of the project, Project concerns investment in reverse flow capacity

PCI Benefits

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