ENTSOG TYNDP 2017 - Annex A2 - Project Details

Current TYNDP : TYNDP 2017 - Annex A

Page 183 of 620

Delay Explanation

Expected Gas Sourcing

Algeria, Caspian Region, Libya, Norway, Russia, LNG ()


Main Driver

Market Demand

7KH SXUSRVH RI WKH 9DO GH 6D{QH SURMHFW DORQJ ZLWK WKH *DVFRJQH 0LGL SURMHFW LV WR UHPRYH WKH FRQVWUDLQWV RQ 1RUWK WR 6RXWK JDV IORZV LQ )UDQFH WKXV enabling to increase the potential share of gas imported by pipelines from the North of Europe within the South-Western part of the European market. In WHUPV RI PDUNHW GHVLJQ WKH 9DO GH 6D{QH SURMHFW DOORZV WKH FUHDWLRQ RI D VLQJOH PDUNHW DUHD LQ )UDQFH 7KLV ZLOO EULQJ D ILQDO VROXWLRQ WR KLJKHU SULFHV RI JDV in South of France and Iberian Peninsula. By facilitating the flow of gas from North-West Europe to Spain, the project will give Iberian Peninsula access to gas priced more extensively according to north west Europe price references. By creating a single French market place, current spread between PEG Nord and PEG South will disappear, and the Iberian peninsula will also benefit from the direct proximity of this large and liquid market place.

Main Driver Explanation

Benefit Description

Intergovernmental Agreements


Agreement Description

Is Signed Agreement Signature Date

Decision from CRE and CNMC on the request for cross order cost allocation between France DQG 6SDLQ IRU WKH SURMHFW RI FRPPRQ LQWHUHVW 9DO GH 6D{QH

Cross border cost allocation



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