2000 Best Practices Study
Other Best Practices Studies In addition to providing benchmarks and documenting the business practices of leading agencies, the IIAA and Reagan Consulting periodically address specific business practices or focus on issues of critical importance to independent agencies. These topical Best Practices studies include: The Best Practices of Leading Sales Organizations in the United States, a report that summarized the practices of leading sales organizations both inside and outside the insurance industry The Best Practices in Business Perpetuation and Management Succession, a report and workbook that provided motivation and useful information to help independent agencies address the issue of business perpetuation The Insurance Distribution Study: Trends, Implications, and Effects of Change, a report that examines changes taking place within other distribution systems, compares changes within the Independent Agency System, and offers recommendations for the future success of our insurance distribution system. These studies can be ordered through the IIAA distribution Center by calling 1-800-261-4422.
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