USD Men's Basketball 2001-2002


USD's ''Arena ofDreams''

5,100-seat sports facility will host wee Tourney The mov ie Field o/Dreams introduced the phrase "build it and they wil l come" into the Ameri ca n lexicon, and USO students, ath letes and coaches hope th at phrase wil l app ly to the arena of thei r dreams, whi ch was offi ciall y dedi – cated and ope ned on October 5, 2000. The Uni ve rsity is countin g o n th e Jenn y Cra ig Pav ilion to attract more fa ns to the campu s and more top athletes to its Di vi sion I sports prog rams. For the second strai ght year, th e pav il – ion wil l be the site of 2002 WCC Tournament , to be held February 28 to March 4 for all e ight women' s and men's WCC teams.

Jenny Craig Pavilion will host WCC Basketball Championships fo r second straight year.

"The Je nn y C rai g Pav il io n ma kes a state me nt to the athl e ti c community and to the communi ty at la rge a bo ut the quality o f o ur a th le ti c prog rams and the ir impo rta nce within the uni ve rs ity," sta ted To m Ia nnacone, USO Director o f A th– le ti cs . "T he pav ili o n is a c hampions hip ve nu e fo r me n 's a nd wome n 's bas ke tba ll and vo lley ba ll , a nd has a lready beg un to improve rec ruiting a nd a tt rac t hi g he r q ua lity o ppone nts. In add iti o n, it is a n excelle nt ve nu e for te levi s io n . T hese th ings w ill he lp to inc rease the compe titive ness o f a ll o ur prog rams. " T he pav ili o n, which is home to bot h US O basketba ll teams, a nd the vo ll ey ba ll team , sea ts tw ice the numbe r of fa ns as the unive rs ity 's o ld Sports Cente r. Un li ke baske tba ll ve nues th a t have the scoreboa rd suspe nded ove r the cente r o f th e court , fo rc in g some spec ta to rs to c ra ne the ir neck s to c hec k th e sco re, the Je nn y C rai g Pav il io n was des ig ned with large score board s and vi deo screens o n the no rth and south wa ll s, and smal le r sco re board s o n the e ast a nd wes t s ides.

Sid and Jenny Craig and USD President Alice B. Hayes (ja r le.ft) joined to celebrate the anno1111ce111ent of the Jenny Craig Pa vilion and the Craig's lead gift to f und the .facility. Well known for their philan– thropy, Sid and Jenny Craig are the Jimnder.1· of Jenny Craig Interna– tional, one of th e largest weight management services in the world. Jenny Craig served as a tru stee of the university from / 990 to / 996. Whi le the pav il ion provides a firs t-ra te ven ue for US O ath le tes, it a lso wi ll se rve as US D 's fro nt porch , livi ng room a nd backya rd . Home to a 3 ,800 sq uare - foot fi tness cen te r, sports med icine cl ini c , media roo m , the Che t and Marg ue rite Pag ni Fam ily A th le tic Ha ll or Fame, and a rece pti o n area wit h swee pi ng v iews o f the campus, the a re na w ill draw more educa tiona l, soc ia l a nd cul tural eve nt s. Arte r see ing o the r local uni ve rs i- ti es o pen new a re nas in rece nt years , th e 6 ,943 stude nt s a t thi s private Ca tho lic un ivers it y a rc thrill ed to a lso ha ve the ir o wn ve nue .

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