USD Men's Basketball 2001-2002


A Message From President Hayes

As 1!,e ;neside111 o/1l1c U11i1 ·er.1il_\ of Sm, Diego. 1!,is is 1m· se1 ·e11 1l1 Torem .1eu.1011. I 0111 JJ1m1c/ oftl,e USD boskc1IJC1!! 1eun1one/ JJ/ eo.1ed 1!,011!, e 1111i- 1·ersit,· s11ppons 1!,e pmg1w11 in e,·e ,-r 11•m· JJossihl e. including en,p/wsis on scl,o/ors!,ip t1s1isto11ce, ct co– de11 1ic ercellence. ond pmnwtion of intercolleg iut e athlctic.1. Our student-01!,/etes ore 11 ·i1111ers 011 one/ off the court . TJ,n· denwnstml e the \'Cl/11es 1!,01 c/wrnc– teri-::.e o USD ed11 co tio11 - co111m i1111e11t, integritY, 1eo111- \\'0 rk. discipline. ctnd respectfor tl, e dignit\· cd'oll !1ll- 111011 beings. Th ese are q11c1/ities thctt 11 ·i// help tl, en, 1hro11gho1111!, eir !i1 ·es. I 0111 looking .fr>n\'Clrd to th e coming seoson and !,ope 1h01 YO/I 11 ·i// join me in .\'llf)/)()r/i11g our tet1111. fl '.I· an exciting schedule one/ promises to be u greot \'eC/1 :

Dr. Alice B. Hayes President

Francis \ I. Lazarus Vice Pre, ident - Prm ost

Thomas Cosgro,·e Acting Vice Pn:,idcnt - Student Alla ir,

i\ lsgr. Daniel J. Dill abough Vice Prc, iden t - Miss ion & Mini , t1·:

,John \k'\iama ra Vice Pre, ident - Uni, er,i ty Relati on.,

Paul Bis.rn1111 elle Vice Pres ide nt - Financial Allair,

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