USD Men's Basketball 2001-2002



DanYourg Associate Director of Athletics Assoc iate Direc tor o f Athl eti cs Dan Yourg has been a member of the USO Athlet– ics Departmen t since the fa ll of 1985 . Yourg oversees football , baseball, men ·s basketball , go!f, men's socce r. and men·s and women's tenni s. In additi on, he is the depart–

Brian Fogarty, Associate AD for Athletic Development Brian Fogarty enters hi s sixth year as

USD's Assoc iate Direc tor of Athl eti cs fo r Athl eti c Deve lopment. He took over thi s post afte r spending thirtee n yea rs as US D' s head foo tba ll coach. He d irec ted US D's foo tball program to e leven seasons of .500 or better record s and guided the ir move from the Div ision III ranks to the NCAA I-AA leve l in 1993 . Hi s pri mary responsibilities are wi th fund raising, ove rsee ing the Torero Athl eti c Assoc iat ion (TAA) , and marketing and promo– ti ons for the athl eti c department. He ove rsaw the recently com– pl eted cap ital campaign fo r the Jenn y Craig Pav ili on. whi ch ope ned its doors thi s past season. Brian, who res ides in the Scripps Ranch area of San Diego, has fo ur children: Bridget (a USO graduate), Joe, Co ll een (a sophomore at USD), and Megan. Renee Wiebe, Assistant AD for Marketing and Promotions Renee Wi ebe is in her fi fth year as As– sistant Direc tor of Athl eti cs fo r Marketing and Promoti ons. She hand les Corporate Sponsor– ships; coordinates game-day promoti ons and ..______________. spec ial events; ove rsees community outreac h programs like the Inter-City Games; and is in– vo lved with annu al fund ra ising events fo r the Sports Banquet, and Salute To Women's Athletics. Her prev ious experi ence in athl etics was at the University of Northern Iowa where she was Marketing and Promotion s Director from 1993-95 . Pri or to that she was Promotions Assistant at the Uni versity of Florida in Gainesv ill e, Florida. She earned her Bache lor of Journ ali sm-Broadcast Sequence from the Uni ve rsity o f Mi ssouri-Columbi a in May, 199 1. She went on to earn her Masters of Education with an emphas is in Sports Admini strati on from Wi chita State University in August, 1993.

ment li aison to USD 's Financial Aid Office. Yourg received hi s Bachelor's (Soc iology, 1980) and Master's (Soc ial Work , 1986) degrees from the Uni versity of Wi sconsi n, where he was a nose guard on the Badge rs' foo tball team. Dan and hi s wife Virgini a, a USO alumnus, are the pare nts of three sons, John , Tom and Mike.

Wendy Guthrie Associate Director of Athletics/ Senior Woman Administrator Wendy enters her sixth yearon the USO staff as the Assoc iate Director o f Athl eti cs and Seni or Woman Admini strator. Guthrie is a 199 1 gradu ate of Whitti er College (B.A. in Business Admini strati on)

where she competed on the cross country team all fo ur years. Besides being a two-time team captain, she was honored each season as team MVP and was a four-time AII-SCIAC selection. She earned her Master's in Physical Education with a concen– tration in Athletic Admini stration at Springfield College in Massa– chusetts. After Springfield , she held the pos ition of Ass istant Director of Athletics/SWA at St. Francis College in Pennsy lvani a for one year. Wendy gained experience working with the Colorado Sports Council and the US Ol ympic Committee at the 1994 US Olympic Festival in St. Loui s, Mi ssouri , and was the Director of Awards Ceremonies at the 1995 Olympic Festival in Denver. She al so served in corporate hospitality at the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta. Carolyn Greer Head Athletic Trainer

~~~~~~ Ted Gosen

Sports Information Director Ted Gosen is in hi s 20th year se rving as San Diego's Direc tor of Sports In fo rmat ion. He oversees publicity and pu bli cations for all USO Athl etics teams, in add ition to hosting medi a at USO home eve nts. He is ass isted by Nick Mirkov ich.

Carolyn Greer enters her twenty-fourth year as the Head Certified Athleti c T rainer fo r the University of San Diego athl etic depart– ment. She is assisted by Suzi Higg ins and Paul Signorelli. A 1975 graduate of San Diego State

In 198 1 Ted received hi s Master's of Science degree in Sports Admini strati on from St. Thomas Uni versity in Miami , Florida. A 1979 graduate of San Jose State Unive rsity, he earned hi s Bac he lor of Science degree in Busi ness Admini strati on. In addi tion to hi s S ID dut ies, Ted is a member of the Co ll ege Sports In forma ti on Directors of America (CoS IDA); ass ists the USO Hall of Fame Committee; is athletics edi tor for 'Voices,' a uni vers ity publication that is publi shed six times a year; and teac hes a bowling class through the USO recreati on department. Thi s past year he chaired the 'Local Organi zing Comm ittee' for the CoS IDA conventi on that was held in San Diego in Ju ly. Ted and his wife Terri, a 1983 USO grad uate , reside in Poway with the ir four daughters: Katie, Col leen, Claire and Erin.

Uni versity with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Physical Educati on, Carolyn went on to earn her Master's in Sports Medi cine in 1978. Ove r the years she has taught classes in Sports Medic ine and had numerou s articles publi shed in a vari ety of journ als. She oversees sixteen interco ll egiate teams and approximately 390 USO student-athl etes on a yearl y bas is. The Sports Medi cine staff provi des injury preventi on, immedi ate care, and rehabili tati on for USD's in terco llegiate athletes. Carolyn, and her hu sband Je ff, res ide in the Pac ifi c Beach area of San Diego with their two boys, Dav id and Jason.

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