USD Men's Basketball 2001-2002


SAM SCHOLL 2nd year Sam Scholl beg ins hi s second season on the USD coaching staff as an ass istant , but hi s first as a fulltime ass istant to head coach Brad Holl and . Scholl was the team's student ass istant a year ago. Scho ll , the Toreros' lone seni or on the team's 20-9 squad from 1999-2000, played guard for San Diego fo r two straight seasons. Prior to USD he pl ayed two seasons at Tacoma Community Co ll ege in Tacoma, Washington. From Gi g Harbor, Was hington, Sam recentl y compl eted hi s undergraduate degree in Soc io logy at the Un iversity o f San Diego. Bes ides ass isting the coaching staff with all aspects o f the day-to-day operati ons, Scho ll he lps run the USD boys basketball camps du ring the summe r. JAMES BORREGO 1st year James Borrego beg ins hi s first season on the USD coaching staff as the program's student ass istant coach. A second year graduate student who is working on hi s maste r's degree in Leadership Studies in the School of Educati on, Borrego played for coach Holl and the past three seasons. Last year he was named to the WCC All-Academic Team while earning a 4.0 grade-po j.nt-average in hi s first year of graduate studies. He al so earned the team's Miller Lite Student Athl ete of the Year honor. He earned hi s undergraduate degree in English, and two seasons ago earned the team's Bugelli Leadership Award. From Albuquerque, New Mex ico, James and hi s wife, Megan, we re marri ed thi s past summe r.


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John Brewer Team Manager

2001-2002 USD COACHING STAFF (l-r): Sam Scholl, Steve Flint, Head Coach Brad Holland, David Fizda /e, James Borrego

Fabiana Dixon Adm. Ass istant

Simona Dixon Adm . Assistant

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