USD President's Report 2000

LD 4881 .S1565

A152 2000



president's report

ca1worldw ~ith(Q)~itboundaries USD's International People and Programs contents

a worldwide presence ............................................................. 2 europe............................................................................................... 4 asia and the pacific rim ......................................................... 6 mexico ............................................................................................. 8 africa ............................................................................................. 10 lat in america .............................................................................. 12 the year in review .................................................................... 14 1999-2000 giving summary ............................................... 18 1999-2000 financial operations ..................................... 20 leadership donors .................................................................... 21 planned giving .......................................................................... 29 board of trustees and executive officers ................. 32

President's Report 2000


a worldwide presence

Dear friends, W elcome to USD's world! In this year's report, I would like to draw your attention to the ways in which the university reaches out around the globe, and the ways in which the world comes to us in Alcala Park. Each year we welcome nearly 400 students from more than 65 countries to study at USO, and we enjoy correspondence from hundreds of alumni living and working on every continent. These contacts bring many cultural perspectives and experiences to the classroom and learning environments. Many of our international students attend USO online. The South Sea Islands are home to the students who participate in the doctorate in Leadership Studies online, and students participating in the Master of Science in Global Leadership log on from Navy ships all over the world. Continuing education students pursue their certificate studies from any location online. If we held a roll call of all USO students, they would be reporting in from every continent, ocean and time zone! Many USO students travel to other countries to learn in new environments. We are affiliated with the Institute for the International Education of Students and the Institute for American Universities Study Center. Our undergraduates live and study in Austria, England, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico and Spain while earning credit at USO. Students also participate in programs in Australia, Canada, Costa Rica, Mexico and the West Indies. Our Institute on International and Comparative Law sponsors summer programs in Ireland, Mexico, Russia, Poland, England and France. The Ahlers Center for Interna- tional Business offers summer programs in undergraduate and graduate level business courses abroad, and the School of Education offers summer and inter- session study abroad in Hong Kong and Guadalajara. Our exchange programs with the Universidad Iberoamericana in Tijuana and the Technological Institute (ITESM) in Monterey, Mexico, are working well. The university's awareness of the worldwide dimensions of learning was given a significant boost several years ago when the board of trustees funded Sister Sally Furay's vision of "Internationalization of the Curriculum." This program supports faculty study-abroad proposals that influence faculty understanding of international issues. The returning faculty members then build these per- spectives into the courses they teach. In reviewing my calendar, I am reminded that we are involved with interna- tional visitors and activities on a regular basis. For example, in just this past year, I traveled with a group of the alumni, faculty and staff on a 50th anniver- sary trip to the University of Alcala, Spain. International scholars from South America, Africa and Europe came to campus for the World Peace Conference that celebrated the ground breaking for the Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice. I enjoyed a reception with our Filipino students, who received a gift of books dedicated to USO by former President Ramos through the kindness of his niece, Cielo Diemsch. The American Ireland Fund joined the university in

sponsoring a visit and presentation in March from the wives of John Hume and David Trimble, the Northern Ireland leaders who forged the peace agreement in Ireland. International visitors included Bill Klasser, director of the Ecole Biblique et Archeologique Francaise in Jerusalem; Mario Gamero, a corporate leader from Brazil; Alexandro Orfila, honorary degree recipient and former ambassa- dor from Argentina; Irish dancers from "The Lord of the Dance" troupe; President Chin of the Chon Buk University in Korea; and fellow participants in the American Jewish Committee Project Interchange with Israel. President Peichang Shen at Yanan University presented me with a beautiful book of paper-cut arr. USO faculty and staff traveled to many countries to present papers and partici- pate in conferences. Provost Francis Lazarus traveled to Japan to the Kyoto Prize Ceremonies, sponsored by the Inamori Foundation and established by USO visiting lecturer and honorary degree recipient Kazuo Inamori. In the summer, Dean Patrick Drinan joined our theater students and faculty in a trip to Edinborough, Scotland, to participate in a drama festival. Music students joined Professor Angela Yeung in a trip to Italy for the summer music program in Orvieto, and Yeung went on to perform concerts in China and throughout Europe. James Otte gave a paper on St. Anselm on the 900th Anniversary at the Gregorianum in Rome. Alana Cordy-Collins did field archeology in Jequetepeque, Peru, and Sister Betsy Walsh was off to Moscow for research. Florence Gillman taught in Fiji, Mexico, Thailand, Japan and Hong Kong, and Richard Gonzales studied fish in the Amazon jungle and in the Tibetan plateau. Rodney Peffer was in Europe, Africa, Cuba and Latin America, while Ed DeRoche and Mary Williams held an International Conference on Charac- ter Education on campus. Our faculty received recognition for their distinguished scholarship and leader- ship from many countries. Maria Pilar Aquino was awarded an honorary doc- torate by the University of Helsinki, Finland, Mary Jo Clark gave an address as part of the 600th anniversary celebration of the University of Sapporo in Japan and Diane Pattison was a visiting professor at Bocconi University in Milan. USO is everywhere! A university is indeed a place for universal knowledge and communication. USD's faculty, students, staff, and alumni are a worldwide presence for progress and peace. Warmest regards,

Alice B. Hayes President

President's Report 2000 3

University of San Diego


europe I f you're lucky, truly blessed, there comes chat exact moment when you know you've made a difference in che world, when your work and passion transform a life halfway around the globe. School of Education Professor Bobbi Hansen counts herself among che lucky few. Hansen's moment came during a warm summer day in a Kazakhstan classroom, where, after spending three weeks instruct- ing the nation's somber, Soviet-educated teachers in American reaching methods, she was approached by a Kazakh reacher. "He came up to me, held my hand, looked into my eyes and asked, 'Do you really believe we are equal to you?' " recalls

Hansen's collaboration with the Kazak11s didn't end when she left the country. Awarded a USD university professorship to research rhe success of che ream reaching, she's bringing a group of Kazakh educators and administrators to USD in February ro examine San Diego's school system - and to reach their American counterparrs a thing or cwo. "Just like we do here, they have stan- dards chat they are reaching ro, so they face a lot of the same issues. And chey are build- ing a 21st century school system from che ground up - something we don't get che chance co do here," she says. For Hansen, what began as a spur-of- rhe-moment adventure has rurned into a lifetime project. "Even if I'm not research- ing or writing about it, I will always be involved. I feel char strongly about ic." Thar same passion has filled another USD student and educator, bur for a much different European entity. For the past four years, doctoral candidate David Herrera has shepherded a group ofUSD graduate students, professors and community mem- bers ro Mondragon, Spain, co examine the world's largest and most successful business cooperative. While most Americans chink of a co-op as a bunch of small farmers joining ro sell their crops, rhe Mondragon Corporaci6n Cooperaciva is the world's premier model. With more than 50,000 workers and 105 companies ranging from computer soft- ware co supermarkets and banking, it is a successful corporate entity whose goal is rhe

Hansen, whose answer - "Absolucely" - was mer by rears and hugs. "I was prepared to be faced with teachers whose attitude would be, 'Who are you to tell us how ro reach) You don't have such a hot education system in che U.S.,' " says Hansen. "Instead, rhese teachers embraced us and tried every lirrle activity we gave rhem . Ir was so humbling." Hansen was among a select group of U.S. teachers asked by rhe Kazakhstan prime minister to help reform rhe nation's school system from the lecrure-based Soviet style to a more interactive, collaborative style of learni ng. Rather than fight rhe old vanguard of Soviet-inspired education, rhe prime minister is creating a second school system, called Miras - for heritage - char will reach the nation's history while employ- ing rhe lacesc reaching methods. Even though Hansen wasn't sure where Kazakhstan was when she got che call ("I had ro get our a map," she sheepishly admits), she didn't hesitate when offered che chance. 'This wasn't something rhar was in my five-year plan," says Hansen, who worked with rhe Kazakh teachers on leadership skills, thematic curriculum and problem- based learning, "but I was moved enough ro drop everything and go." In add ition ro Hansen's ream of special- ises who trained Kazakhscanis for three weeks in 1999, another 40 American teach- ers spent an entire year ream-reaching with their counterparrs. Children in their classes learn boch English and Russian along with their insrcucrors.

Oxford, Edinborough, Scotland '"[1

Munich, Germany

Novy Jicin, Czech Republic

Astana, Kazakhstan

Mondragon, Spain

Florence, Italy

What better way to learn about the great painters ofthe Renaissance than to stand inches from their work in Florence's renowned U.ffizi Gallery? USD's international exchange programs offer students a vast array ofstudy opportunities each year in such historic cities as Oxford, Madrid and Avignon. All the world was a stage for the r999 graduates ofthe Old Globe/Master in Fine Arts program as they performed their original solo pieces at the Edinborough International Festival in August. The artists combined their individual thesis projects into one production, titled "Solitaire, " for a week-long run at the Scotland venue. More than two dozen German business executives from companies such as BMWand Luftshansa studied with their American counter- parts at Alcala Park this summer as part ofa global business-to-business marketing program between USD's Ahlers Center for International Business and the University ofMunich. As the r999 NCM National Singles Tennis Champion, Czech Republic native Zuzana Lesenarova gave USD its first Division I Cham- p ionship. Even though she was pressured by many to give up her senior year and turn pro, Lesenarova graduated in May with a 3.2 grade point average.

social and economic justice of its workers, nor simply turning a profit. "They believe very strongly rhar if rhe owner and rhe worker is the same person, borh will collaborate to meet the same objectives,'' says Herrera, who retired from a successful international business career in 1993 and has since srudied and raughr business ethics and leadership at USD. "In essence, people don't just rake money home from the job, rhey put it back into the business so that more jobs can be created. They believe chat ro live as well as che next person is enough," Herrera says of the cooperative, scarred by a Catholic priest and five young engineers in 1956. "There are no Ted Turners or Bill Gates in Mondragon , ~,uc there also is no one living on rhe streets. Herrera admits chat most students start ouc the 10-day experience, which includes morning classes with co-op department heads and afternoon visits to the schools, factories and research centers, a bit suspi- cious of worker-owned organ izatio ns. By the end, while most aren't completely convi nced the Mondragon experience can be directly transferred to America, they do take away many components chat could be plugged into rhe U.S . workplace. "Many of our graduate srudents are in

Left: Business can do more than simply turn a profit - it can give back to its workers and community. That's the les- son doctoral candidate David Herrera hopes to spread when he takes students and faculty to Mondragon, Spain, to visit the world's largest and most successful business cooperative. Right: She was crowned the nation's best collegiate tennis player, but Czech Republic native Zuzana Lesenarova says one of her biggest achievements was graduating from USD with her communi- cation studies degree and a 3.2 grade point average. middle management and feel frustrated. When they return from Mondragon, chey find a lot of issues - worker participation, trust, honesty in communication - char they wane ro follow up on in their own workplaces,'' says Herrera, who in 1999 brought Mondragon executives ro speak co USD students and teachers. "And for young people who are begin- ning ro question the old model of big business, ic could be the organization of che future,'' he says. "People can't go ro Mondragon without being couched." •


ue teaching collaboration.

Above: It wasn't in her plans, but School of Education Professor Bobbi Hansen dropped everything to travel to Kazakhstan and help that emerging nation improve its teaching methods. Right: Law student Andrea Ochaba spent years planning for a legal career after escap- ing her native Slovakia in 1988 - which was then under Communist rule - in order to come to the United States. At age 31, she graduated at the top of her USD undergradu- ate class and entered USD law school.

4 University of San Diego

President's Report 2000 5

• asia and the pacific rim

In addition to modi fying thei r products, they also learn to change their behavior, as personal relationships permeate transactions in Asian nations to a much greater extent than in the Uni ted States or Europe. "Business people don't just walk in and make a deal," he says. "Relationships that lead to deals are cultivated over a long peri- od of time, and this often is frusrracing to Americans." Bueche potential payoffs are immense. The smdents in G in's class want to emulate companies like Motorola, whose enviable relecommuni cations success in the Pacific Rim came after a long presence in the region. Before che journey, which includes a rrip into mainland China, G in conducts a three-week session on che Internee, giving students background into each cou ntry's histo ry and culmre, wich a focus on how those co untries might fit into a company's regional marketing and production strategy. "Asia is often thought of as one mono- li rhic enti ry," G in says, "but the countries have very distinct identities." So much so that business students often take non-business courses to achieve a greater understanding of As ia and the Pacific Rim . Lance Nelso n teaches classes in World Religio n and Asian Spirirual iry in USD's religious studies department, and finds his classes increasingly attended by smdencs who plan to work in Asia. "A fo rmer student now working fo r IBM in Singapore contacted me tO say how use- ful che background in religion is," he says. "If you know even a little about the values sysrem and che traditions of the country you're in, it pays off. It creates some trust that would n't be there otherwise." Bu t it's not just business chat draws sru- dencs to Nelson's classes. W hile Chriscianiry has become somewhat incellecmalized, the mystical cradi tions and rituals of Asian religions remain much che same as they have for hundreds of years. Looking at Hinduism, Buddhism and Co nfucianism gives smdencs new perspectives on their own religious cusroms, and can hel p people of all religions reconnect with their own traditions of prayer and contemplation. "It helps t0 get a new perspective on the basic human questions chat all religions address, " says Nelson, who is president of che national Institute fo r Hindu-Christian srudies. "How these religions answer ques- ti ons about life, death and diviniry expands our smdencs' ideas of what religion is."

Left: Religious Studies Professor Leshke Tsomo was 12 when she decid- ed to become a Buddhist, and her fas- cination and belief grew deeper as she studied the religion founded in India around 500 B.C. Ordained as a Buddhist nun at age 32, Tsomo, who lived in India for 15 years, teaches Buddhism and World Religion classes and is an activist and researcher on gender balance within Buddhism. Below: I Nyoman Sumandhi, interna- tionally recognized Balinese puppet- master, performs a traditional masked dance at last spring's "Night in Bali: A Celebration of Balinese Performing Arts."

Bangkok, Thailand

Hong Kong, China

Be ijing, China

""'"~ ] Malaysia Bali, Indonesia

Professot Gary Schneider lectured on electronic commerce this summer at the China People's University and Tsinghua University in Beijing, and was interviewed on the subject by China Central Television and the China Daily newspa- per. He also visitedfacu lty and lectured at uni- versities in Hong Kong, Singapore, and Kuala Lumpu1; Malaysia. For the third consecutive summer, the School ofNursing hosted a group ofstudents from the Institute ofClinical Nursing at National Ytmg- Ming University in Taipei, Taiwan. The students, all registered nurses, visited American health care sites to study case management systems and took a Models ofCase Management class. Business and education leaders from Guam, Saipan, American Samoa, Malaysia and Micronesia are earning doctorates in leadership from the School ofEducation. Summer sessions are held at USD, but during the year students stay in their communities and use distance- /earning technology for assignments and class discussions. Students in music Professor Christopher Adler's Topics in World Music class get a taste of Southern Asia through Adler's expertise with the khaen, a Laotian mouth organ, and the ranaat ek, a Thai xylophone. Before arriving at Alcala Park last year, Adler spent a month in Thailand, honing his skills alongside local musicians.

How to do business i

Nelso n continues to ponder those ques- tions with his research on highly ideological Hinduism and the rel igion's practical impli- cations. H e's studyi ng medieval Hindu the- ology as well as the relationship between the Hin du religion and ecology in India, findin g that religion strongly affects atti- mdes rnward natu re in chat co untry. In smdying and traveling tO the Far East, Nelso n and G in each fo und a connection to their past. Nelson says Asian rel igions co n- stantly awaken him to new ideas abour his own C hristian heritage, and G in - who was born in Cal ifornia and hadn't previously studied C hina extensively - says being immersed in the business of Asia gave him a greater app reciation fo r his own C hinese background . When he needed pointers on playing the khaen, a Thai mouth organ made of bam- boo, music professor Christopher Adler hopped a plane to Bangkok and got les- sons at the place where the instrument was born.

"I enj oy caking the smdencs tO C hina especially, because they are so surprised ar the level of developmenr," G in says. "It's much more busi nesslike and capitalistic than they expect. At the same time, they realize how far some of these counrries have to go, and they wane to be a part of maki ng that happen." •

E very summer, business Professor Alan G in takes a couple dozen srudents to H ong Kong fo r two weeks. They hear from experts about the nuts and bolts of doing business in Asia and the Pacific Rim: con- sumerism, trade, financial markets, opera- tions, production. But really, they can learn al l that back in San Diego. W hat they get from the trip is context. "You don't get to do business in Asia without knowing the historical and culrural context of the countries," says G in, who has taught the Business Environment of Asia and the Pacific Rim course for six years. "In order ro be a successfu l business person in this region, you need an understanding of how to adapt your practices an d products." Just li ke the number 13 is considered unlucky in the United States, G in says that consumers in the countries the srudents study - China, Japan, Taiwan, Indonesia, T hailand, the Philippi nes - have supersti- tions chat co uld to rpedo an unwitti ng com- pany's product. Even the color might dam- age its chances.

Alan Gin's summer business class is part philosophy, part history and part trave- logue, adding up to all the background necessary to gain a business foothold in Asia and the Pacific Rim. Students who travel to Hong Kong with Gin get to sightsee too, and a favorite stop is the Sun Vat-sen Memorial, a tribute to the first leader of the Republic of China.

The language of music.

6 University of San Diego

President's Report 2000 7

• mex1co

Chihuahua, Mexico l r

who learn the latest developmenrs in Mexi- co's inrricate legal system. And as part of his Mexican Law course, he invites Mexican attorneys to speak to his class and then takes his students to T ijuana to tour the co urts, vis it with judges and meer with law firms . "Ir's quite surprising to the students," says Vargas, a native of the Mexican stare of Chihuahua and an expert in immigration issues and Mexican history. "The Mexican court system is very differenr than ours. Ir is very informal - there are no steno- graphers, you testify before a judge who asks questions." His students also are amazed at the dif- ference surrounding a universal cultural

institution - marriage. In Mexico, couples must be wed twice, once in a civil ceremo- ny before a governmenr official and again in a church, reflecting the separation of church and stare. "Lawyers have co be prepared to learn from ocher legal systems," Vargas says, "and learning from foreign legal systems makes students appreciate our legal system." The complexities of the border and rhe call to justice drew Brother Tom Thing to campus ministry's Tijuana Breakthrough project. Conceived in the early 1980s as a way for students to put their faith into action by building homes for some of the city's poorer residents, T hing revamped rhe program five years ago to emphasize fa ith, international education and justice. USO students who participate in the week-long retreats not only assist in home- building, bur work in an orphanage, deliver food to prisoners and live among the home- less immigrants at Casa del Migrante, where those in search of a better way of life stay until they can find their dreams. "Many of these studenrs have never interfaced with the poor, the homeless. There is fear, anger, frustration and a feel- ing that their hands are tied," explains Thing, an associate minister and Franciscan friar. "For many, it's the first time they have put a name with the face of a migrant. Ir's an awakening - their eyes are opened, they understand a little bit more, and realize it is our responsibility to treat people with dig- nity and respect. " •

E ach day, thousands of people inch their way across the Uni ted States-Mexico border in search of something uniquely personal: work, profit, pleasure, escape. Among the throng are a USO grad u- ate student, a law professor and a Fran- ciscan friar, who on separate journeys cross the Tij uana border into Mexico in search of the same elusive thing - jus- tice. And their travels are as unique and personal as the sprawling, hectic border city itself. G raduate student Susan Jacobi began her sojourns across the Mexican border four years ago as coordinato r of the Tijuana Orphanage Project, which

Monterey, Mexico

Tijuana, Mexico

Bahia de Los Angeles, Mexico

Guadalajara, Mexico

Since I964, USD students have immersed themselves in the culture ofMexico through the Guadalajara Summer Program, where for six weeks students live with local families and attend intensive language classes, developing a better understanding oftheir neighbors to the south. An international business graduate degree is truly that at USD, as graduate students spend at least one year at Alcala Park and one year at the Instituto Tecnologico y de £studios Superiores de Monterey campus in Mexico. Students emerge with two advanced degrees and superior under- standing ofboth country's cultures. In an effort to convince Mexican officials to designate Bahia de Los Angeles a sanctuary for the threatened whale shark, graduate student Jon Nelson spent weeks tracking the shark's feed- ing patterns in this tranquil bay to illustrate its value to the gentle species' survival. As part oftheir Spanish, business and political science coursework, USD students work side- by-side with students from the Universidad Iboamericana in Tijuana to put on a biannual carnival for children ofthat city's barrios. USD students also prepare and serve food at Casa de/ Migrante, a refuge in Tijuana for homeless immigrants.

Since the Tij uana communi ty is predom- inately Catholic, Jacobi began to develop a plan to provide res idents with more access to natural family planning. W ith the help of USO faculty, Georgetown's Institute for Reproductive Health, and a grant from USO 's TransBorder Institute - which coor- d inates grants, seminars and exchange pro- grams co better improve understanding between the United Stares and Mexico - Jacob i met with family planning experts and providers to furth er her study. "I'm nor trying to bring attention to this for people in Tij uana to have fewer children," Jacobi says. "Bu t if the majority of the population is Catholic, and if teach- ing about fam ily planning is accepted by the Catholic faith, it is on ly fa ir that the people have access to this information. " If she can secure additional funding, her next step is to partner with existing providers in Tijuana, survey couples to determine their needs and, ultimately, improve residents' accessibility to informa- non. "Economic factors will still be a problem, but since natural fam ily planning is rhe most affordable method available, it should be available to those who need it," Jacobi says. "USO 's Catholic idenrity prompts us to do everything we can to decrease a parent's need to enrrust their child to an orphanage. This project is si mply what I can do." What law Professor Jorge Vargas has done rhe past 20 years is improve access to rhe latest legal information for those who practice justice on both sides of rhe border. Vargas organizes a co nference ar Alcala Park each year attended by dozens of attorneys

Breaking down immigratio

provides students the opportuni ty to inter- act with the area's children. The project not only opened her fellow students' eyes to the problems of poverty, but prompted Jacobi, then an undergraduate, to take a closer look ar its causes. "After playing wi th the children, we'd go to the maquiladoras (factories)," says Jacobi, "and refl ect on the teaching of economic justice for all." Realizi ng that nearly 90 percent of the children in T ijuana's orphanages come from single-parent households in which the par- ent is worki ng but cannot afford to care for the children, Jacobi began to do some research. She discovered char maquiladoras routinely dispense oral contraceptives to workers, but that little information is avail- able on modern methods of natural family planning, or as ir is often called, the rhythm method.

Above: Students in Jan Bejar's Immigra- tion Clinic gain practical experience through interviewing, counseling and representing clients from Mexico and other countries with immigration-relat- ed problems. The clinic provides intense training in immigration law and proce- dure. Top left: Graduate student Susan Jacobi works with Dr. Inez Trejo, director of Centro de Promocion de Salud Esperan- za, which provides natural family plan- ning for Tijuana residents. Top right: Law Professor Jorge Vargas keeps American and Mexican attorneys up-to-date on the latest legal develop- ments affecting both countries through his Mexican Law Conference held each year at Alcala Park.

Tijuana's poorer residents and play with orphaned children during the week- long Tijuana Breakthrough project, which puts students face-to-face with issues of social and economic justice. Right: USD graduate student Jon Nelson tracked the feeding habits of the giant whale shark in hopes the Mexican government would declare Bahia de Los Angeles a reserve for the threat- ened species.

President's Report 2000 9

8 Univers ity of San Diego

africa E ichar Abucaja is terrified. A successful lawyer in Sudan, Africa, Abutaja gave up her practice, her chances of getting an advanced law degree in her own country and, most likely, any opportu- nity to ever return home, to start over in the United States. Her Sudanese law degree won't earn her admission to the bar in America, her English is a little shaky and

Marrakesch, Morocco

she's still learn ing the basics of li fe in Amer- ica, such as d riving a car. If that's not scary enough, she's come to USD to study comparative law, taking on thousands of dollars in loans to further her legal education. She doesn't know if she'll be able to get a job. She rarely has contact with fa mily members in Sudan, and most of her possessions are back in Africa. But she wasn't scared enough to sacrifice her principles. Aburaja felt compelled to leave Sudan after getting into a wrangle with the gov- ernment over her dissertation topic. T he fundamentalist Islamic government, which took power in Sudan in 1983, has in the past decade increasingly cracked down on dissenters and critics. Abu raja's proposed research - on the rights of women under Islam - made her an immediate target. Aburaja was rejected several times fo r admission to the judiciary, the Sudanese equivalent to the district atcorney's office, despite passi ng the necessary exams. She endured the growing oppressiveness of court rules, which mandated chat women appearing befo re the court cover their heads and wear traditio nal Islamic dress, and that the testimony of one man equals that of two women. But she wouldn't give up her studies. "I negotiated fo r two years to get the topic approved," says Abutaja, who earned abutaja

her first law degree in 1988 from Sudan's Khartoum University. "T hey kept refusing, and I kept insisting. I was finally expelled." Abu raja knew of USD through her sister, who several years ago came to Alcala Park to smdy law. Abutaja co ntacted Professor Terry Player, who guided her through the admissions process and helped her seek political asylum in the United States. "From the time she arrived, Eirhar has been enthusiastic and energetic about reach- ing hersel f new skills and learning how to cope wi th a much more open society," says Player. "Ac che same rime, she has not lost rouch with her driving interest in securing the rights of women throughout the Islamic world. It is her passion" Belief in her work keeps Abucaja going in th e face of rhe many obstacles she sees ahead. "There are some barriers to success for me here, like language and culture," she says. "I don't know if I can make it, but if I work hard, I think I can." There is no guarantee chat Abucaja will ever see Sudan again , but the civil war and regional conflict that has torn apart her country may someday end, thanks in part to another member of the USD community. Joyce Neu, the new director of the Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice, is fresh from her work at The Carter Center, where her most recent task was co help restore diplomatic relations between Sudan and Uganda, neighboring countries chat broke off ties in 1995.

Al·Khar l um, Sudan

Monrovia, Liberia

Kampala, Uganda

UC se

Rundu, Namibia

lsandhl wana, South Africa

Professor Jim Gump is writing a book that compares 20th century ethnic mobilization and civil violence in KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa) and the Pine Ridge Lakota Sioux reservation in South Dakota. The new book is a sequel to The Duse Rose Like Smoke: T he Subjugation of the Zulu and rhe Sioux, in which Gump contrasted I9th-century military subjugation ofthese indigenous societies. As the Republic ofLiberia struggles to right itself after civil war devastated the country in the I99os, the country's foreign minister, Monie R. Captan '85 '87, is working to help the country regain a place on the world stage. Captan helped transition the government after free elections were held in I997, and in I992 founded the First National Poll Newspap er in the capital city of M onrovia. Sister Anastasia Lott 79 has sp ent the past I2 years in Africa as a missionary with the Maryknoll sisters, and currently works with villagers in Namibia, teaching health education, home skills and Christian education. A lthough she had to Leave Rundu, Namibia, Last year when civil war in Angola spilled over the borde1; Lott has since returned to continue her work.

Above: Although they come from opposite ends of the African continent, Juana Purchase of South Africa and Ali El Moutea of Morocco both say USD's academic reputation was their first concern - but the location didn't hurt, either. Purchase, a business economics major, wants to go on to law school, while El Mouteau's finance and interna- tional relations studies will help him in either a business or politics career. Right: Sister Anastasia Lott '79 works with children from the St. Charles Lwanga Church in Omulunga, Namibia. Trust between the countries was at an all-rime low in I 999, when fo rmer Presi- dent Jimmy Carter received requests from each country's president to put together an agreement to normalize relations. Building on her experience in Mali , Afri ca - where she mediated among that country's presi- dent and a number of opposition groups that refused to recognize the government - Neu assembled a team to quietly begin meeting with President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda and President Omar H assan Ahmad al-Bashir of Sudan. "Both countries were supporting rebel groups in the other coumry, and many peo- ple had been kidnapped or killed, so the situation was incredibly delicate," says Neu, who arranged the first meeting of negotiat- ing teams from both countries in London. "Neither leader could go back to his people and say this struggle was for nothing." After a year of on-and-off discussions, Neu facilitated a series of meetings in

A mission of peace. Nairobi, Kenya, leading to Carter's arrival and the Dec. 8, 1999, signing of an agree- mem to restore diplomatic relations between the two nations. Before leaving The Carter Center to come to USD , Neu set the course fo r implememarion of the terms, and to date dozens of prisoners of war and abducrees have been released by both countries. For her efforts, Neu recently was hon- ored with a National Peace Fo undation Peacemaker/Peacebuilder award. At the Kroc Institute, she hopes to build a cultu re of common ground and scholarship chat will encourage similar peacemaking efforts. 'The Kroc Institute is a place to begin developing relationships," she says. "Peace- making is a slow process, and rhe institute will provide the continuity that process needs." •

Above: After a struggle to find aca- demic freedom amid the increasingly oppressive government in Sudan, Eithar Abutaja decided to come to America to study, and law professor Terry Player was there to help. Right: Joyce Neu (right), former Carter Center mediator and director of USD's Joan 8. Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice, joins the presidents of three African nations at the sign- ing of a diplomatic agreement between Uganda and Sudan. At the table are (left to right) President Omar Hassan Ahmad-al-Bashir of Sudan, former President Jimmy Carter, President Daniel arap Moi of Kenya and President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda.

IO University of San Diego

Pres ident's Report 2000


latin america

Peru is home away from home for Alana Cordy-Collins. For 16 of rhe past I7 sum- mers, rhe USD anthropology professor has joined a group of colleagues in rhe shadow of a ruined pyramid in a desert along rhe Peruvian coast, carefully sifring through the dire for clues abom an extinct civilization as rich and powerful as any in the ancient world . Cordy-Collins and her colleagues focus their work at Dos Cabezas, a ruined pyra- mid made of more than a hundred million mud bricks. In addition co the silt, which over the centuries has buried sections of the site as much as 30 feet below rhe surface, their work is complicated by the harsh con- ditions of one of the world's driest deserts and by looters who have ransacked the site in search of its treasures. "Ir's very meticulous, tedious work," she says, "and the conditions can be brutal. Bur the rewards make it all worthwhile." T he rewards are uncovering items left behind by rhe Moche, a sophisticated, highly stratified society char existed hundreds of years before the lncan empire, in rhe same region . T hough they had no wrirren lan- guage, the Moche left a wealth of informa- tion about their culmre in their elaborate artwork. Cordy-Collins says how it was cre- ated may say as much about rhe Moche as the artwork itself. "The Moche people lived in chat area between about AD 200 and 800," she says. "We have fo und examples of metallurgy and ceramic work that are absolutely astounding for chat time. We have theories about how they mined the metals they used and the cools and techniques they used, but we've never found any of the workshops.

Finding chose will give us a much clearer picture of how the Moche were able to create such exquisite art, and cell us more about their society." Even after nearly 20 years of digging, finding ceramic borrles or meral jewelry srill gives Cordy-Collins a thrill, bur she says some of the greatest joys derived from rhe digs occur back ar USD , when she shows rhe photos and artifacts to her students. "There are always a few students who in the beginning don't really even understand what archaeology is, then walk away fasci- nated," she says. "Some students have done their own research projects using the mate- rials I bring back. Even after they are done with my class, some ask me to e-mail them about rhe things we find. Ir's a wonderful part of rhe experience." Seventeen undergraduate business stll- dents got a different South American expe- rience during a six-week trip this summer co Argentina wirl1 professors Gary Schnei- der and John Roncherro. While the stll- denrs learned much about South American commerce over the course of visits co a steel plant, a government-sponsored hospital and the local office of the World Bank, it was coping daily with the demands of a radical- ly different culture rhac was mosr demand- 111g. "They got about a year's worth of matu- rity in six weeks, " Schneider says. ''Argenti- na is not like Mexico, or any ocher place these srudenrs had ever been. Ir's really more European rhan Mexican. I cold them rhey would never sleep as well as they would in Argentina, because you're exhaust- ed by the end of the day. Even rhe mosr simple activi ties, like going out to eat, are

La Paz, Bolivia

Quito, Ecuador

Sao Paulo, Brazil

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Dos Cabezas, Peru

Catherine Conaghan, the Knapp Chair in the Department ofPolitical Science, is a specialist in the politics ofBolivia, Ecuador and Peru. A vis- iting professor to USD from Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, Conaghan has been closely following the upheaval surrounding Peru's Presi- dent Fujimori via e-mail with her colleagues in Peru, and as creator and editor ofthe Internet site Peruelection2000. com. Economics professor Joan Anderson is in the second ofa three-year study ofthe economic development ofLatin America, funded by the Ford Foundation and the Tinker Foundation. Anderson is a specialist in the area, having twice studied as a Fullbright scholar in Ecuadoi'. Her work there included constructing a policy model for that country based on her study ofits infla- tion, unemployment and exchange rates. Denise Dimon, professor ofeconomics, serves as editor ofthe Latin American Business Review, the journal ofthe Business Association ofLatin American Studies. As director of USD's Ahlers Center for International Business, D imon coor- dinates the university's semester exchange and study abroad pro"grams, international internships and practicums, and the executive education program that brings international business leaders from throughout the world to learn US. business practices.

Jose Luis Noriega '92 of Lima, Peru, accomplished what few college athletes even dream about when he became a four-time NCAA All-American. Noriega won two West Coast Conference singles titles, played for Peru in the Davis Cup and in his senior year was ranked No. 2 singles player in the nation. Economics professor Joan Anderson has twice received prestigious Fullbright Grants to pursue her research in Latin America. a real challenge, because you're always observing and interpreting what you see. There are no automatic processes." Schneider says the business education the students received also forced chem co rethink what they thought they knew. "In the United Stares you hear a lot about e-commerce and the new economy, but it has a far different meaning in South America," he says. "There are 45 million people in Argentina, and on ly a million or so of them are online, so the opportuni ty structure for e-business has a completely different look co it than in ocher places. I chi nk they gor rhe message of how impor- canr it is co evaluate individual markets and not assume rhar one size firs all." W hile international study opportunities are traditionally reserved fo r graduate stll- dents, involving undergraduates nor only benefits the students themselves, but also their classmates, Schneider says. "Having a professor say, 'When I was in Buenos Aires it was chis way,' is a great thing, but students relati ng their own inter- national experience ro rheir peers is a won- derful teaching cool," he says. "le adds a life co the subject and makes it more real."

During her excavations in Peru, anthropology Professor Alana Cordy- Collins discovered three royal tombs that, unlike the 200 or so previously found, contained giants - skeletons some 8 to 10 percent larger than their contemporaries. The skeletons repre- sent the oldest documented cases of gigantism in the New World .

While it makes chem berrer students, Schneider believes being immersed in a different culmre for six weeks also makes the undergraduates berrer people. "A lot of preconceived notions are dis- pelled when the smdents see first-hand chat there are so many people who view the world very differently than they do ," he says. "I chink it encourages a higher level of tolerance of the differences in people, maybe even an appreciation of chem." •

University of San Diego


President's Report 2000 IJ

• • year 1n review

January-March T he year 2000 marked the bicentennial of The Religious of the Sacred Heart, the order of nuns who helped fo und USO. T he order's 40 San Diego members planned a year-long celebration with lecrnres, retreats and prayer groups designed to increase collaboration among the nuns in Southern Cali fornia. A national panel of expercs gathered at USO Jan. 28-29 to explore the eth ical, moral and legal aspects of emerging genetic Left: Local students give a presentation at the launch of USD's Upward Bound program, which helps low-income students go to college.

earn a spot in the NCAA tournament. Led by senior Susie Erpelding, the Toreros faced a fo rmidable opponent in the first round , playing Notre Dame on the Fighting Irish's home court on Sc. Patrick's Day. T he luck of the Irish prevailed, as Notre Dame won, 87-6 1. O n March 20, the remodeled Aromas cof- feehouse opened its doors on the bottom Aoor of Maher Hall. Even before the reno- vation, Aromas was recognized as one of the fi nest on-campus coffeehouses in the nation by the National Association of College and University Food Services. Founders Gal lery hosted "Olaf W ieghorst: Images of the American West," an exhibi- tion by the famed frontier artist, from

technologies. Among rhe scholars were Francis Collins, director of the Human Genome Project, and Richard Lewo ntin, biology professor at Harvard University. More than 500 high school students from che San Diego/Tijuana region visited campus Jan. 13 for rhe third Regional WorldLink Youth Town Meeting on global affairs. Among the speakers at rhe event - co-sponsored by rhe United Nations and USD 's Joan B. Kroc Institu te fo r Peace and Justice - was Haxhere Veseli, a 14-year-old Albanian who Aed Kosovo to escape rhe Serbian campaign of ethnic cleansing. USO , in parmership with San Diego State University, announced new doctoral pro- grams in education technology and reaching and learning. T he unique collaboration offers the only such programs of their kind in the region. USD 's School of Education also began offering reaching credential courses in health education and special needs on the World W ide Web. In February, fans bade an emo tional farewell to the Sports Center. W ith the $ 17.5 mill ion Jenny Craig Pavilion nearing completion, the Torero men's and women's basketball teams played their final games in the 40-year-old facili ty, the men defeating Loyola Marymoun t and the women losing a hearrbreaker in overtime to Portland. USO received a fo ur-year, $800,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Education to implement the innovative Upward Bound program to help low-income students go to college. Upward Bound offers tutoring, counseling, mentoring and other enrich- ment acrivicies to freshman and so phomores fro m Kearny High School in the Linda Vista communi ty. The All-Faith Service was conducted in T he Immacu laca chu rch Feb. 4. Mo re than a dozen faiths were represented at the service, one of the most cherished traditions at Alcala Park. In March, the women's basketball team upset top-ranked Pepperd ine to win the West Coast Conference championship and


Scheduled to open in the fall of 2001, construction on the Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice began April 17.

aired fo ur days before the Supreme Court heard arguments on the validi ty of its 1966 ruling, which prohibits admitting co nfessions at trial unless suspects are made aware of their consti- tutional right against sel f-incrimination. Construction on rhe Joan B. Kroc Insti- tute fo r Peace and Justice began April I7. Soon thereafter the university announced the appointmem of its first director, Joyce Neu, a senior associate director of the conAicr resolution pro- gram at T he Career Center in Aclama. Retired San Francisco Archbishop John R. Quinn was named to the newly creat-

ed Monsignor John R. Portman Chair, an endowed position funded with a $2 million anonymous gift in honor of Portman, a retired San Diego priest who also chaired USD 's religion department. Q uinn will teach a graduate rheology seminar exploring such issues as the papacy and Christian uni ty. Saturday Night Live cast member Jimmy Fallon perfo rmed at the H ahn University Center, one of the Sensational Seven events sponsored th roughout the sp ring semester by the Associated Srndents.

The classic rock musical "Hair" came to the Shiley Theatre stage in April.

March 27 to May 12. Grace Thackeray donated a dozen Wieghorst paintings to USO , including such famous works as "Long Walk of the Navajo" and "Buckin' fo r Bucks." April-June Gandhi , grandso n of India's lace spiri tual leader Mohandas K. "Mahatma" Gandhi, was the keynote speaker at the 11 rh annual Social Issues Co nference April 6. The School of Law hosted a debate between Yale Kamisar, a University of Michigan visiting professor ar USO , and University of Ural1 law Professo r Paul Cassel l on the famous Miranda case. T he discussion was videotaped fo r broadcast on C-SPAN and


Women's basketball players (left to right) Kerri Nakamoto, Melissa Glazebrook and Robyn Fortney display the wee Tournament championship trophy, which earned the Toreros a spot in the first round of the NCAA Tournament in March.

President's Report 2000 IS

• • year 1n review

his wri ti ng with the Friends of rhe USO Libraries and talki ng to the Transborder Institute about C hicano arc and history. "We are in good shape academically, finan- cially and organizationally, " said President Alice B. Hayes in the sixth annual Scare of rhe University address. The speech, spon- so red by BusinessLink USO , the university's liaison to the corporate communi ty, focused on the connections the university is forging on campus and internationally. Technology is rhe tool, Hayes said, char USD will use to connect wirh groups ranging from K- 12 swdents in the San Diego Unified School D istrict to scholars th roughout rhe world.

Singer Gladys Knight was the keynote speaker at the May 28th commencement ceremo nies in Torero Stadium. Knight asked graduates to keep in mi nd that for- mal education and making money are only part of a successfu l life. Knight, a member of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, fol- lowed her speech by belting our the inspi ra- tional song "The Need to Be," and received an honorary doctorate of humane letters. Knight's three children all attended USD. T he School of Business Administration and the United States Navy, in conjunction with San Diego-based Silicon Space, Inc., announced the launch of the master of science in global leadership degree. Usi ng distance-learning technology, the innovative program allows Navy and Marine Corps personnel to pursue post-graduate degrees from anywhere in the wo rld. Several hundred teachers from th roughout the country converged in June fo r the Inter- national Conference on Character Educa- tion and Character Education Academy. Led by USD faculty Edward DeRoche and Mary W illiams, the conference focused on ways to implement moral values in school and commun ity settings.

In June, President Al ice B. Hayes was named to the San Diego Business j ournal's list of Who's Who 2000. July -September The fi rst class of students graduated from USD's event management certificate program in Ju ly. The un iversity began the program in conjunction with George Washington University as part of an inter- national consortium offering comprehensive train ing fo r caterers, corporate plan ners, sports event professionals and others involved in event management. The USD program is the only one on the West Coast. In August, the campus hosted the inaugural San Diego Asian Film Festival, a three-day event that featu red screenings of short, feawre-length , documentary, animated and experimental fi lms. T he festival included an Asian arr and media display, and discus- sion forums with Academy Award-winning director Greg Pak and comedian /actor Margaret C ho. Elai ne Fink was named executive director of the Educational Leadership Development Academy, a program created to train new principals fo r San Diego City Schools. A national fi gure in public education and most recently superintendent of Communi- ty School District Two in New York C ity, Fink will lead the consortium of local un i- versities supporting the academy. USD launched a new master's program in e-commerce designed fo r entrepreneurs, managers of Internet-based firms and those

Renowned Chicano poe t Jose Montoya did a reading for the Fri ends of the USO Libraries Salon Seri es. planning to launch e-business initiatives. O ne of the program's architects, business Professor Gary Schneider, appeared on the KPBS radio show 'These Days in San Diego" to discuss burgeoning e-business markers in the city. Maher Hall broke with a 40-year tradition when the first female residents moved in at the beginning of the fal l semester. A three- year, $1. 5 million renovation was complet- ed before the building went co-ed, includ- ing a variety of infrasrrucw re improve- ments. Women live in the east wings of Maher, rhe west wings remain all-male. C hicano poet and activist Jose Montoya visited Alcala Park in September, disc"ussing

The Jenny Craig Pavilio n, the new home of USD's baske t ba ll and volleyba ll teams, was dedicat ed over Home coming we e kend.

October-December A week-long series of events celebrated rhe ded ication of the Jenny Craig Pavilion and the Chester and Marguerite Pagni Family Athleric H all of Fame just prior to Home- coming Weekend . A new Torero logo was unveiled at the Oct. 5 dedication of the pavi lion. Tours, receptions and a Mass were among the activities attended by alumni and other members of the USD communi- ty, and the Toretos played the University of Central Connecticut in the traditional Homecoming football game. Families of USO students were welcomed to Alcala Park for rwo Family Weekends. Freshman Family Weekend, Oct. 13- 14, featured a dean's reception, seminars, tours, family dinner, foo tball game and a Sunday Mass. Upperclassmen and their families got

together O ct. 27-28 fo r Fall Fami ly Week- end, which included dinner and dancing, golf outings and career services seminars. USO parents and alumni will come togeth- er to celebrate rhe annual USD Mass on Dec. 7. The San D iego service will honor the recipient of the Bishop Buddy Award, which celebrates extraordinary commitment to humanitarian causes. •

Pop singer Gladys Knight delivered the undergraduate commencement address in May and challenged the Class of 2000 to keep spirituality a central part of their lives. After 40 years as a men's only resi- dence, Maher Hall became co-ed.

USD's new athle t ic logo was unve iled at the Oct. 5 de dica ti on ce remon ies fo r the Je nny Crai g Pavi lion.

I 6 Unive rsity of San Diego

Pres ident's Re port 2000 I7

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