High School Math Guide

Secondary II & II H Unit Guide - Semester

○ SC: I can write conditional probability statements from a tree diagram.

● Lesson 10.2: Favorite Flavors - Solidify Understanding ○ LI: I am solidifying my understanding of conditional probability so that I can compare representations of data for finding probabilities. ○ SC: I can write conditional and basic probability statements using Venn diagrams, two-way tables, and tree diagrams. ● Lesson 10.3: Friend Freddy’s - Solidify Understanding ○ LI: I am solidifying my understanding of probability so that I can use Venn diagrams to find probabilities. ○ SC: I can use Venn diagrams to find probabilities of the union of two events, the intersection of two events, and the complement of an event. ● Lesson 10.4: I Will Survive! - Solidify Understanding ○ LI: I am solidifying my understanding of probability so that I can represent probabilities with Venn diagrams. ○ SC: I can model probability with different representations. ● HONORS Lesson 10.5: Declaring Independence - Solidify Understanding ○ LI: I am solidifying my understanding of probability so that I can determine if two events are independent. ○ SC: I can determine if events are independent using the conditional probability test for independence. ● HONORS Lesson 10.6: Striving for Independence - Practice Understanding ○ LI: I am practicing my understanding of probability so that I can determine if events are independent. ○ SC: I can use data representations such as two-way tables, Venn diagrams, and tree diagrams flexibly to find probabilities of interest.

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