High School Math Guide

Secondary II & II H Unit Guide - Semester

for a given pair of pre-image/image figures. ○ SC: I can locate and mark centers of rotation for various geometric figures.

● Lesson 7.2: Circle Dilations - Solidify Understanding ○ LI: I am solidifying my understanding of similar circles so that I can prove that all circles are similar. ○ SC: I can examine the relationship between the ratios of the circumference and diameter of two circles and the ratio of the areas of the two circles. ● Lesson 7.3: Cyclic Polygons - Solidify Understanding ○ LI: I am solidifying my understanding of circles so that I can examine the relationship between inscribed angles and the intercepted arc. ○ SC: I can find the degree measure of the indicated angle or indicated the intercepted arc. ● Lesson 7.4: Circles Inside Out - Solidify Understanding ○ LI: I am solidifying my understanding of circles so that I can examine the relationships between circumscribed angles and circles and between tangent lines and radii of circles. ● Lesson 7.5: Circular Reasoning - Practice Understanding ○ LI: I am practicing my understanding of circles so that I can apply circle geometry theorems in various contexts. ○ SC: I can use circle geometry theorems to find the measures of angles inscribed in triangles. ○ SC: I can use circle geometry theorems to justify my thinking. ○ SC: I can find the degree measure of circumscribed angles. ○ SC: I can use triangles to prove statements about tangent lines.

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