High School Math Guide

Secondary III & III H Unit Guides - Semester

the problem ● Lesson 9.9: Launch - read aloud, assign roles to different partners, Explore - chunk the task by presenting one question at a time ● Lesson 9.10: Explore - provide manipulatives or technology to perform simulations ● Lesson 9.11: Launch - successive partner share, Explore - use technology on #1 ● Lesson 9.12: Launch - read aloud, SketchNotes, Explore - chunk the task by presenting the frst two problems, then do 3-6

● Honors lesson: III.S.CP.9(+) ● Ready for More?



● Unit 9 OUR Online Resources ○ Regular teach 9.3 ● Missing Standard III.S.CP.9(+) Resources

● Unit 9 Homework Help Videos for Students

● Desmos - Lesson 9.1 ● Desmos - Lesson 9.2 ● Desmos - Lesson 9.3 ● Desmos - Lesson 9.4 ● Desmos - Lesson 9.5 ● Desmos - Lesson 9.6

LEARNING INTENTIONS AND SUCCESS CRITERIA ● Lesson 9.1: What is Normal? - Develop Understanding

○ LI: I am developing my understanding of normal distribution so that I can understand the features of a normal distribution. ○ SC: I can identify features of the normal distribution including the effect of changing the mean or standard deviation . ● Lesson 9.2: Just ACT Normal - Solidify Understanding ○ LI: I am solidifying my understanding of normal distribution so that I can interpret standardized test scores that are distributed normally. ○ SC: I can estimate population percentages using a normal distribution. ● Lesson 9.3: Y B Normal? - Solidify Understanding ○ LI: I am solidifying my understanding of normal distribution so that I can find the z-score ○ SC: I can convert values from normal distributions to z-scores. ● Lesson 9.4: Wow, that’s Weird! - Practice Understanding ○ LI: I am practicing my understanding of normal distributions so that I can compare normal distributions. ○ SC: I can compare normal distributions using reasoning and z-scores to determine which events are most likely. ● Lesson 9.5: Would You Like to Try a Sample? - Develop Understanding ○ LI: I am developing my understanding of sampling methods so that I can understand methods for taking samples from a population. ○ SC: I can distinguish between sampling methods given a specific scenario. ● Lesson 9.6: Let’s Investigate - Solidify Understanding ○ LI: I am solidifying my understanding of sampling methods so that I can describe the difference between each one. ○ SC: I can distinguish between sample surveys, experiments, and observational studies. ● Lesson 9.7: Slacker’s Simulation - Solidify Understanding ○ LI: I am solidifying my understanding of simulations so that I can determine if an event can occur. ○ SC: I can use a simulation to create a model and test a hypothesis. ● Lesson 9.8: Ancient Treasures - Solidify Understanding ○ LI: I am solidifying my understanding of sampling methods so that I can find means and proportions for random samples.

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