High School Math Guide

Secondary I & I H Unit Guide - Semesters ● Desmos - Lesson 6.1 ● Desmos - Lesson 6.2 ● Desmos - Lesson 6.3 ● Desmos - Lesson 6.4 LEARNING INTENTIONS & SUCCESS CRITERIA ● Lesson 6.1: Leaping Lizards! - Develop Understanding

○ LI: I am developing my understanding of rigid transformations so that I can describe key features of the transformations. ○ SC: I can name and sketch the transformations that have been presented or are being described. ● Lesson 6.2: Is it Right? - Solidify Understanding ○ LI: I am solidifying my understanding of parallel and perpendicular lines so that I can use slope to determine if two lines are parallel or perpendicular. ○ SC: I can use slope to graph a line that is parallel or perpendicular to a given line. ● Lesson 6.3: LeapFrog - Solidify Understanding ○ LI: I am solidifying my understanding of rigid transformations so that I can identify the rigid transformation or sequence of transformations that carries one image onto another. ○ SC: I can perform a rigid transformation or series of rigid transformations on various geometric points and shapes. ● Lesson 6.4: Leap Year - Practice Understanding ○ LI: I am practicing my understanding of rigid transformations so that I can write precise definitions of rigid transformations. ○ SC: I can identify key features of rigid transformations both in writing and in graphs. ● Lesson 6.5: Symmetries of Quadrilaterals - Develop Understanding ○ LI: I am developing my understanding of rotational symmetry so that I can identify transformations that carry an image onto itself. ○ SC: I can identify the lines of symmetry in given quadrilaterals . ● Lesson 6.6: Symmetries of Regular Polygons - Solidify Understanding ○ LI: I am solidifying my understanding of rotational symmetry so that I can extend my understanding of rotational symmetry and lines of symmetry to regular polygons. ○ SC: I can find patterns of line and rotational symmetry in regular polygons. ● Lesson 6.7: Quadrilaterals: Beyond Definition - Practice Understanding ○ LI: I am practicing my understanding of rotational symmetry so that I can identify quadrilaterals based on line and rotational symmetry. ○ SC: I can identify, classify, and justify quadrilaterals based on their line and rotational symmetry.

Priority Lessons

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