High School Math Guide

Secondary I & I H Unit Guide - Semesters ● Desmos - Lesson 9.1 ● Desmos - Lesson 9.2 ● Desmos - Lesson 9.3 ● Desmos - Lesson 9.4 ● Desmos - Lesson 9.5 ● Desmos - Lesson 9.6 ● Desmos - Lesson 9.7 ● Desmos - Lesson 9.8

Additional Desmos - Lesson 9.5 LEARNING INTENTIONS & SUCCESS CRITERIA ● Lesson 9.1: Connect the Dots - Develop Understanding

○ LI: I am developing my understanding of correlation so that I can describe the difference between correlation and causation. ○ SC: I can use the characteristics correlation and technology to find the correlation coefficient for different data sets. ● Lesson 9.2: Making More $ - Solidify Understanding ○ LI: I am solidifying my understanding of correlation so that I can model data with a linear function. ○ SC: I can use a linear model to analyze data. ● Lesson 9.3: Getting Schooled - Solidify Understanding ○ LI: I am solidifying my understanding of linear models so that I can interpret data using linear models. ○ SC: I can interpret linear models using precise language and correct units for the slope and intercept. ● Lesson 9.4: Rocking the Residuals - Solidify Understanding ○ LI: I am solidifying my understanding of residuals so that I can understand and interpret residuals. ○ SC: I can understand what a residual represents, and interpret residual pilots that may suggest models that are not linear. ● Lesson 9.5: Lies and Statistics - Practice Understanding ○ LI: I am practicing my understanding of residuals and correlation so that I can clarify differences between residuals and correlation coefficients. ○ SC: I can use the differences between residuals and correlation coefficients to justify and refute claims. ● Lesson 9.6: Food for Thoughts - Develop Understanding ○ LI: I am developing my understanding of box plots, dot plots, and histograms, so that I can represent data. ○ SC: I can determine the best way to represent data. ● Lesson 9.7: Bridging the Gap - Solidify Understanding ○ LI: I am solidifying my understanding of standard deviation so that I can interpret data. ○ SC: I can interpret data using standard deviation and other measures. ● Lesson 9.8: Making the Grade - Practice Understanding ○ LI: I am practicing my understanding of statistics so that I can compare sets of data using center, spread, and shape. ○ SC: I can compare data sets represented as box plots, dot plots, and histograms using measures of center and spread and describing shape.

Priority Lessons

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