CYIL Vol. 6, 2015

VICTIMS’ RIGHT TO REPARATION UNDER INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS LAW… VICTIMS’ RIGHT TO REPARATION UNDER INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS LAW: ALSO AGAINST INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS? Abstract: The contribution argues that there is an individual right to reparation, which is applicable also against international organisations, having its source in international customary law and its material basis in fundamental principles of international responsibility, especially the obligation to provide reparation. In order to reach this conclusion, the author considers in the first section a variety of arguments and positions addressing the possible existence of an individual right to reparation against States under conventional regimes, but also, especially, outside of conventional regimes. Here the contribution pleads that under international human rights law a secondary right to reparation is corollary to substantial, primary rights. The foundation for such an understanding of the interconnection between primary and secondary rights under human rights law is constituted by basic principles of international responsibility, which include the obligation to provide reparation. The second part focuses on the applicability of such a construct to international organisations, exploring possible foundations for deriving the right to reparation, such as international conventions, unilateral acts and general international law. It argues that, despite inconsistencies in corresponding practice, basic principles of the regimen of international responsibility are applicable also to international organisations, thus providing a legal foundation on the basis of which a general right to reparation applicable also against international organisations can be constructed. Résumé: Príspevok sa zaoberá problematikou práva osôb na odškodnenie voči me- dzinárodným organizáciám za im pričitateľné porušenia ľudských práv. Oprávne- ným subjektom tohto práva je jednotlivec, ktoré ľudské práva boli porušené a vý- chodiskom, na ktorom stojí, sú základné zásady zodpovednosti v medzinárodnom práve. Autor v príspevku najskôr skúma, či takéto právo existuje v prípadoch, kedy nositeľom zodpovednostnej povinnosti je štát. Dospieva k záveru, že je zakotve- né nielen v zmluvnej podobe, ale i v obyčajovom medzinárodnom práve i napriek mnohým nejasnostiam, ktoré s ohľadom na jeho existenciu a parametry pretrvávajú. Druhá časť príspevku je venovaná otázke, do akej miery je možné takýto záver pre- niesť a aplikovať i na situácie, kedy je porušiteľom medzinárodná organizácia. Autor 1 This contribution builds upon and develops some of the ideas contained in: FAIX, Martin. International Organizations, Human Rights and Accountability: Victims’ Right to Reparation as a Litmus Test for Effective Implementation, In: BAEZ, Narciso/ŠTURMA, Pavel/MOZETIČ, Vinícius/ FAIX, Martin (eds.), Mecanismos Internacionais e Internos de Effetividade dos Direitos Fundamentais . Joacaba: Editora UNOESC, 2014, pp. 197-221. Martin Faix 1


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