1912 Holtz &Freystedt

Paa:e ...... 63 ....................... ............. ................ ........ ........ 61 .45-46 Burgundy WinH, White, Red, Still and Sparkling .... 47 Caviar (Runian) ................................................... . 72 Champagne• ................... ....................................... S3 Cocktail•, FizzH, Highball •, Julep,, Punche1, etc., Recipe• for .................................................. .5-JJ Cocktail•, Ready Made.... .. SS Chec1e .................................................................... 76 Cherrie• in Maras chino ...................................... 71 Coffee .................................................................... 74 Cognac Brandie• .................................................. .. SS Cordial, .................................................................. 67 Fi,h, Import ed ........................................................ 73 Fruit , and Fruit Jui ce,, German .............................. 71 Goo 1ebrea1t1, Pomm.eranian .................................. 79 Ham.1, We1tphalian . ......... ..................... 70 Hun garian Wine • .. ......... ...................... 48 Italian Win CI ............. ............. . 48 Madeira and Malaga Winc1. . ............... SI MoaelleWin e1 ...... ... .40-4 1 Minera l Waters 65 Olive Oil ........ ............ ................ ............... ............. 78 Port Wine, ........................ ...... ........ ..... ................... SI Rhin e Winee .................................... .......... .......... 42-44 Sardine,, etc ....... .................................................. .. 73 Sauaage1, Imported ................................................ 70 Sherry Wine , ............................ .......................... 50-S I Sundrie, ........ ............................ . 76 Tea, Runian .......................................................... 74 VegetablCI and Fruita, D0me 1tic............................ 75 Veaetable1, Fren ch ............ ....... ......................... .... 71 Vegetable,, German ................................................ 77 Whi,keya, Gin,, etc., Import ed................................ 6 1 Whi1kie1, D0me1tic ................................................ 7 S 80 ' Borde aux WinH, White and Red .........................



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