Alcala Yearbook 2000

last a lifetime, and will continue to do so for many years to come. Copy provid ed by Alpha Delta Pi

The Zeta Pi chapter of Alpha Delta Pi was the first sorority ever founded in 1851. As well as the first sorority founded on our cam– pus in 1977. As the largest chapter on campus, Alpha Delta Pi has won the Dean's Trophy five out of the seven years, including the 1999 school year. Alpha Delta Pi partakes in a variety of philanthropic events such as El Nito Battered Women'sshelter,St. Paul's Convales– cent Homes, and our National Philanthropy the Ronald McDonald House. Alpha Delta Pi takes Great pride in maintaining the highest GPA on campus, and the strong sisterhood that they maintain through sisterhood events as well as socials. Alpha Delta Pi has many social events such os their traditional "My Tie" and Formals Diamond Ball and Violet Ball. Alpha Delta Pi has enjoyed watching their chapter unite and form friendships that

Below: Ka te Sha nnon a nd Amy Gilmore show their is terh ood love a nd upport for the Torero's a t a foo tba ll ga me.

Above: Th e g irl of A lpha Delta Pi a re in voloved w ith ma ny orga niza tions a round campus. For tha t rea on, they will be een a t many different choo l ponsored functions throug hou t the yea r.

Right: Sis ter a ll tick togeth er a t all times, even a t the Lambda Chi fo rmal.

122 A Time fo r Cha nge

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