Alcala Yearbook 2000

O rienta ti on Week (bet ter known a 0-week), gives freshmen and transfer tu dent · an oppor tun ity to meet o ther new s tud ent as well as be ome acc limc1ted to co ll ege life. The vveek kicks off w ith move- in da y, as a ll the new s tudents pil e out of car a nd begin to ca rry th eir belongings to thei r new rooms. After mee t– ing roommates, e ttin g up computers, hc1ng in g po ters, c1 week full of fun and in forma – tional ac ti vities begins. Hi ghlights o f th e week included a Hawc1iian Luc1u, Casino ight, a trip to the Sa n Di ego Zoo, an vening crui se, Day a t the Bay, icebreakers, and informa tional . All of the e ac ti vities keep th e new s tudents ve ry busy, whil e familiariz ing them with both th e campu and the City of San Diego. The week also contains community service programs and the Alcala Bazaar . Which provide s tuden ts with inform c1 - tion about the oppor tunitie offered on and around campu s. The bazaar contains representa– tives from many of the clubs c1nd organiza tions around cam– pus. This offers s tud en ts the opportunity to ask que tion · and ge t involved.

ABOVE: Enjoying Hawaiian food a nd meeting new people wa one of the hig hlighted activi ties during 0-Week.

BELOW: Beautiful; Sunny San Diego, tha t's why we live here right? A Day at the Bay gave freshmen a chance to have some fun in the un.

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Ori ent,1tiun Week

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