Alcala Yearbook 2000

T he Orientation Team, Board, and committees were a guide, resource and most importantly a friend to every freshmen and transfer sh1- dent, making their transitionto life at USD an easy one . The hard work started long before the new students arrived on August 31st. First, a very selective application process must be completed. This consisted of a detailed applica– tion as well as an interview with the Orientation Board. The Board was looking fo r not only dedica– tion and responsibility but cre– ativity as well. The 100 O-Team leaders attended a team-building workshop in May of 1999. The team then returned before the new students, in order to continue preparation and ensure that ev– erything would run smoothly once the new students had ar– rived. The hard work, effort, and preparation put into this event stood out as much as the brightly colored, orange O-Team shirts, worn throughout the fun and ex– citing week.

ABOVE: Orientation Week is an enormou project to produce and it takes a huge taff of well qualified tudent and fa culty to make sure it always ends with a bang.

BELOW: These three 0-Tea m leader work together, which i a very import,rn t part to en uring that the whole week run moothly, team work is the key.


A Time for Change


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