Alcala Yearbook 2000


One of the best things about college is all the people you meet, even if they are only a s1nall spark in our lives. College is where we find n1any of our true friends, these people will carry a flame in our lives forever. Although many people pass through our lives and even our day, the specia l thing about USD is how small and close-knit we are. We might not be close friends with everyone, but the fact is n1any of the faces are fa1niliar and friendly. This diverse group of unique faces n1akes up the community that everyone of us belongs to. People here at USD come from all over the country and all over the world. Each person is special in their own way, they all contribute to the structure of the University in their own way. Ask any one of the graduating seniorsand they will tell you that your time here goes by very quickly. So n1ake your experience here worthwhile and get out there and get to know your co1nn1unity and fellow students. It will make your college experience a lot 1nore richer.




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