Alcala Yearbook 2000

Vice President of Academics Jason Apolinario

If there is one individual who attends more meetings than the en tire AS Leadership Team combined, it is Jason Apolinario . He is always running around the office in a suit and tie, ready to mee t with a 1:io ther faculty member and/or admin is trator. Jason even ma nages to take the time to earnes tly lis ten to his friends a nd coll eagu es and beat Mike Milligan in office basketball! He has passionately led the s tud ent bod y Academic Integrity campaign through a ttending conferen ces, speaking on panels, and wo rking w ith University officia ls. He has represented the issu es, comments and concerns of over 4000 s tud ents in his academic endeavors with various committees. Jason's passions for the University and his position has made him an amaz in g leader, a hear tfelt indi vidual, and a n asse t to the campus in every way' He will be grea tly missed, yet his charac ter and accomplishmen ts w ill not be fo rgo tten. By: Nicole Nunes

Nicole Nunes

Vice President of Programming

Nico le is one of my favorite people at USO. I will never forget the times that we had and the fun that we have shared. I have had the ex trem e pleasure in working with her. She has been a tremendous contributor to USO and AS. With her ex traordina ry crea tivity, sincere care, a nd undying ent hu s iasm she has excell ed in every responsibility she has und ertaken . She is heavily invo lved with Greek Life and was on the 1999 Orienta tion Board . As the Vice President of Programming she oversees a ll of the AS programming and has completed h er ta sks with hard work, determination, and thoroug hness . Nicole is a n amazing person with a wa rm hea rt and a con tagious smile. I will never forget th e grea tness she has brought to my life. She will continu e to carry USO to a new level nex t yea r. By: Mike Milligan

Mike Milligan

Vice President of Finance

Mike is the epitome of every thing USO prides itself in: si ncerity, enthu siasm , a nd dedication. Throughout his four years here, Mike has made a lasting impac t, determined to make USO a better community before h e gra du a tes. He served on the 1998 O-Team and the 1999 O-Board, cheered a t a lmos t every athletic home game, and went beyond his responsibilities as Vice President of Finance this year. Mike's office d oor was a lways open (even a t 8PM hi s genuin e friend liness ma kes him approachab le. One of his grea tes t legacies is the return of (an improved) USOtv, some thing tha t went beyond his job d escription. Perhaps Mike's grea test impact at USO is on the people he mee ts everyday. Those who are fortunate enough to know him, even for a shor t time, will never be the same. I have been trul y blessed to have him as a friend these past four years! Thanks Mike! By: Hallee Chapman


AS Executive Boa rd


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