Alcala Yearbook 2000

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Sophomore Senators Karly Ferris and Damon Vracin

Karly and Damon worked hard to serve as the voice of the sophomore class. In addition to planning events to in– crease class spirit, Karly and Damon investigated pest control problems in the Vista Apartments, customer ser– vice issues related to the implementation of the Campus Card program and the compilation of an on-campus stu– dent directory.

Freshmen Senators Aisha Taylor and Derrick Eells

Although their primary responsibility is to represent the views of the freshmen class, Derrick andAisha also planned events and activities for their classmates to promote class unity. Some of the issues they tackled this year included lighting in Copley Library, the cost of overdue book fines in the library, the University's new telecommunications / contract and the renovation of the Main Dining Room. l



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