The Need for Organisational Resilience Chapter-6




The supply chain, the sequence of processes involved in the production and

Excess inventory is being eliminated. Inventory is only restocked when

distribution of a product or service, can rely on excess inventory and


backups. Inventory is restocked at specific levels of inventory.

Ordering time

Inventory is reordered before supplies reach the buffer or minimum level, to

Inventory is recorded only as it is needed and not before. This means that

allow for inventory to be produced/sold while the suppliers are re-supplying

no safety stocks are held. Production operates with low inventory levels.

the goods. Minimum buffer is defined by potential spikes in demand.


Inventory is located and stored as close as possible to where it is needed.

Inventory is delivered to where it is needed.

Table 6.1: Key Differences between Just-in-Case and Just-in-Time

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