Grand River, MO-2015

Hutton Mark A 502 E Mill St Gallatin........................................... 663-3228 Hutton Rod 10531 E St Hwy T Blythedale..................................... 878-6667 Hutton Tire Center 10026 10th St Eagleville............................. 867-5231 Huxtable Mark &Victoria 117 N 2nd St Maitland................... 935-2396 Hwy 136 Transfer Station 34195 Hwy 136 Ravenwood.......... 937-2008 Hy-Vee ........................................................................................... 726-5816 Hy-Vee Food & Drug 1217 S Main St................................................................................. 582-2191 Call.................................................................................................. 582-2199 Hy-Vee Food Store 1617 E 9th St.................................................................................... 359-2278 Bakery 1617 E 9th St........................................................................ 359-2278 Caterers 1617 E 9th St..................................................................... 359-2278 Pharmacy 1617 E 9th St.................................................................... 359-4955 Hy-Vee Food Store 1217 S Main St Maryville........................... 582-2191 Hy-Vee Food Store 1104 S 25th St Bethany............................. 425-6353 Hy-Vee Food Store 1004 W 1st St Leon......................... 641-446-6132 Hy-Vee Food Store 720 E Main St Lamoni...................... 641-784-6981 Hy-Vee Food Store 111 E 2nd Grant City.................................. 564-3712 Hy-Vee Gas 1217 S Main St Maryville........................................... 582-2026 Hy-Vee Pharmacy 1217 S Main St Maryville............................. 582-2199 Hy-Vee Pharmacy 1104 S 25th St Bethany................................ 425-8171 Hy-Vee Pharmacy 101 E Main St Lamoni........................ 641-784-6322 Hy-Vee Pharmacy 204 N Main St Leon........................... 641-446-4136 Hy-Vee Pharmacy Clinic 710 Main St Princeton.................... 748-7730 Hy-Vee Wine And Spirits 1601 E 9th St................................. 359-7603 Hyden William 424 E 2nd St Lamoni................................. 641-784-6527 Hydorn Matt 22151 Hwy B Princeton........................................... 748-4859 Hylton Dave & Linda 306 E Clay St.......................................... 726-4464 Hynden Brenda 29639 190th Ave Davis City..................... 641-442-2903 Hynden Yvonne W 200 Crown Colony Lamoni................. 641-784-6370 Hynson Lora 922 1/2 Main Trenton............................................. 357-2389 Hyre Larry V & Brenda S 125 Hoffman Ave Gilman City.......... 876-5351 Hysell Becky 2382 Hwy S26 Allerton................................. 641-873-4301 Hysell Jessica 208 E Oak St Allerton................................. 641-873-4117 Hysell Nelma 106 N Niagara St Allerton............................ 641-873-4396 Hysell Thomas E 633 W Maple St Allerton....................... 641-873-4823 I I-35 Campground 14022 Locust St Eagleville............................ 867-3377 I-35 Speedway 13141 State Hwy 6 Winston............................... 749-5317 IBT 28147 Business Highway 71 Maryville........................................ 562-2700 ITCO Farm Supply 1307 E 17th St............................................. 359-6825 Icke Joyce 533 5th St Barnard...................................................... 652-3277 Iddings David & Teresa 10888 State Hwy 13 Coffey................ 533-2435 Iddings Wanda M 22210 State Hwy B Coffey............................. 533-2775 Ideal Image 1121 E 17th St.......................................................... 359-9900 Ideal Ready Mix Inc 19640 US Hwy 69 Leon................... 641-446-6886 Ihnen Sandi 29066 E 337th Ln Ridgeway...................................... 824-4203 Illg Chris 20748 Fantail Ave Cainsville........................................... 893-5403 Illg Edward RR 2 Cainsville........................................................... 893-5676 Illg Renante 806 Ada St Princeton............................................... 748-4742 Illusions Hair & Nails 101 W Hayward St Meadville................. 938-4755 Independent Farmers Bank 206 N Connecticut King City...... 535-4343 Industrial Maintenance Supply 1217 E 17th St Trenton...... 359-3581 Infranca A J 1424 Main................................................................ 359-6464 Infranca Joe 311 W 12 Trenton................................................... 357-2268 Ingels Harold D 2704 S Galaxy St Maryville................................ 582-2723 Ingraham David 1312 Merrill..................................................... 359-2940 Ingram Marcy 1065 Forest St Maryville...................................... 562-2187 Ingram Randall & Gail 30977 US Highway 71 Maryville.......... 582-5819 IngramTravis 31021 US Highway 71 Maryville............................. 582-5378 Ingrapham Sherry 211 S Main.................................................. 359-3722 Area Code 660 Unless Otherwise Indicated


Inman Lavern 36722 Hallmark Rd Barnard.................................. 652-4455 Inman Louise 733 Jefferson Maryville......................................... 582-3427 Inn Of The Six-Toed Cat 200 N Central Ave Allerton.... 641-873-4900 INSURANCE SERVICES OF THE HEARTLAND 504 S 39th St Bethany.................................................................. 425-3134 International Academy Of Science The 611 W Johnson St Gallatin................................................................ 663-3800 Interpower Corporation 221 S Spruce Dr Lamoni........ 641-784-4510 Interstate Repair Service 2050 E Main St Lamoni........ 641-784-7565 Invinci Graphics II 610 E Main St Lamoni........................ 641-784-8880 Iowa Chicago & Eastern Railroad Osgood........................ 673-6709 Iowa Chicago & Eastern Railroad Newtown...................... 794-6385 Irby William 1005 S Grant Gallatin............................................... 663-3805 Ireland Dudley 503 Pomeroy St Darlington................................. 666-2287 Ireland Kevin S 237 SW 30th Ave............................................... 359-4441 Ireland Mary 2610 Princeton Rd.................................................. 339-7596 Ireland Verda 29097 State Highway F Maryville........................... 562-2446 Ireland W 325 Lee St Chula........................................................... 639-3515 Irvin Mark & Joan 2203 Oakland Ave Bethany.......................... 425-8000 Irvin Z M 307 Linn Trenton............................................................ 359-6365 Isaacs Electric 222226 Elway Pl Princeton.................................. 748-3141 Isaacs Jim & Karen 22226 Elway Pl Princeton.......................... 748-3141 Ishmael Gene & Linda 1804 Vandivert Ave Bethany................ 425-4420 Ishmael Jason 29167 State Hwy V.............................................. 663-5448 Ishmael Richard 2723 Lakeside Pl Trenton................................ 357-2210 Ishmael Zach 2101 Mabel Trenton.............................................. 339-5035 Isom Kevin & Becky ................................................................. 663-9626 Israel Allen 403 N 20th St Bethany............................................... 425-8876 Iverson Sharon & Gene Stahnkey 602 S Willow St Gallatin................................................................... 663-2564 Ivins Molly L 204 NW 7th St Leon...................................... 641-446-7727 J J's Taste E Freeze 320 N Alanthus Ave Stanberry....................... 783-4003 JAM Wood Products 761 SW 68th Ave Jamesport................... 684-6315 JASS Salon Tanning & Hair Styling Beauty Salon 108 E Torrance St........................................................................... 562-2069 Tanning Salon 108 E Torrance St........................................................................... 562-3330 J B Freight Connect 36032 State Hwy AH Guilford.................. 652-3600 JCG Land Services 1011 SW 11th St Leon...................... 641-446-7717 J D Bishop Construction LLC 29185 Highway W Meadville............................................................. 938-4026 JD Bryson 103 N Main St.............................................................. 663-4175 J G Quarry Equipment 305 SW Elm Ln Grundy County............ 359-6301 J & L Manufacturing 28429 State Highway J Altamont............ 749-5610 J R Filley Attorney At Law 108 N Market St Gallatin............. 663-2044 J & S Cleaining Services 316 E 3rd St Maryville.................... 562-2766 J & S Cleaning Services 316 E 3rd St Maryville..................... 562-2107 Jackel Richard 200 Crown Colony Apt I8 Lamoni.............. 641-784-6791 Jackel Terrilee & Peter 509 W Orchard St Lamoni........ 641-784-3449 Jack's Muffler & Tire 116 N Market St Gallatin........................ 663-3006 Jackson Barb ............................................................................. 564-2307 Jackson Barb 14001 Mayfair Ave................................................ 564-2352 Jackson Ben H 27664 Hwy 139 Meadville................................... 938-4597 Jackson Betty 308 S Broadway Princeton................................... 748-4228 Jackson Beverly 405 S Fillmore St Maryville.............................. 582-5340 Jackson C M 495 East Farwell Grant City.................................... 564-2305 Jackson Creek Ent 2232 120th St Allerton..................... 641-873-6500 Jackson Darlene 1104 E Halsey Maryville................................. 582-2894 Jackson Delbert 1171 Garnet Ln Galt........................................ 673-6527 Jackson Delbert 27559 115 Rd Grant City................................. 786-2448


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