Grand River, MO-2015

Linn County Of Cont'd University Extension 108 N High St................................................... 895-5123 Victims Advocate Linn Co 108 High St Linneus.................................. 895-5591 Linn County Schools R-1 & R-4 See Schools-Public Linn County University Extension 108 N High St............... 895-5124 Linn Joe D 902 Oak Princeton...................................................... 748-3905 Linn-Livingston Baptist Association 304 W Crandall St Meadville............................................................. 938-4294 Linnabary Michelle 609 9 Trenton........................................... 357-2194 Linneus City Of City Office......................................................... 895-5133 Linneus Farm Equipment 130 E Smith Linneus...................... 895-5163 Linneus Fire Protection District ........................................ 895-5572 Lint Gloria & Clyde 207 S Clay St Gallatin................................. 663-3150 Linthacum Greg 27327 E State Hwy Y Ridgeway........................ 425-4160 Linthacum James 30880 E 270th Ave Bethany.......................... 425-3376 LinthacumThomas & Sarah 28856 E State Hwy T Ridgeway......................................................... 425-6693 Linthacum Wm C 31755 E 270th Ave Bethany........................... 425-6550 Linthicum Devan 122 E State Hwy B......................................... 533-2026 Linville Archie Gallatin............................................................... 663-3161 Linville Brad 318 E Bentley Ravenwood....................................... 937-2178 Linville C E Jr 207 S Walnut Skidmore........................................ 928-3366 Linville David W & Doug 20739 State Hwy HH Gallatin.......... 663-3167 Linville Doris 101 N Fuller St Gallatin.......................................... 663-2355 Linville Floyd 30418 Fairway Rd Skidmore.................................. 928-3664 Linville Hardy 503 S Main St Gallatin........................................... 663-2855 Linville James L & Mary Ann 410 W Broadway St Graham............................................................. 939-2265 Linville Leslie 11389 290th Skidmore.......................................... 928-3477 Lipiec Olav Ofc 26044 Lakeview Dr Maryville...................................................... 582-4134 Res 26044 Lakeview Dr Maryville..................................................... 582-7790 Lippincott Judy 1605 Findley Rd Bethany................................... 425-7176 Lippincott Terry 702 N College St Albany.................................... 726-5664 Lippincott V G Insurance Inc 109 W Clay St Albany............. 726-3350 Lisa's Sassy Scissors 414 Central Ave Pattonsburg.................. 367-2321 Lisle Dan 17813 W 217th Ave Eagleville........................................ 867-5672 Lisle Jason & Rachele 13200 W US Hwy 136 New Hampton... 439-2233 Lisle Sondra 433 NE Highway NN Trenton................................... 673-6374 Litten Charlene 814 W South Ave Maryville............................... 562-0199 Little Brett 306 NE 4th St................................................... 641-446-8145 Little Caleb Creek Farms 2837 25th St Lineville.......... 641-876-2125 Little Clara's Garden 100 N 25th St Bethany............................ 425-3000 Little Critters Daycare 611 S 12th St Bethany......................... 425-2229 Little Delores 1700 E 30th St....................................................... 339-7656 Little Dianna & Michael 29564 State Hwy RA Jamesport....... 684-6032 Little Longhorns Childcare 30540 370th St Barnard............. 652-3025 Little Martin ................................................................................ 359-2553 Little Ranee 1303 Lord Trenton.................................................... 357-2641 Little Rascals Daycare & Preschool 901 E 2nd St............. 359-2710 Little River Bait Shop 22821 190th St Leon................... 641-446-8909 Little River Inn Motel 708 W 1st St Leon...................... 641-446-4883 Little Texas Ranch RR 3 Princeton............................................. 748-3540 Little Vanessa 503 E Crandall St 19 Meadville.............................. 938-4853 Littrell Lowell J 1304 Walnut St Bethany................................... 425-6505 Littrell Mike 33222 W 190th Ave Bethany.................................... 425-7794 Liu's Restaurant Inc 1416 S Main St Maryville.......................... 562-6888 Livesay Michael & Marilyn 22459 E State Hwy B Ridgeway........................................................ 893-5883 Livingston County Of Courthouse 700 Webster Chillicothe................................................. 646-8000 County Barn 904 Gilbert Chillicothe.................................................. 646-6341 Child Support Division...................................................................... 646-6311 Sheriff's Office Emergency.................................................................................................. 911 Non Emergency 901 Webster Chillicothe......................................... 646-0515 Area Code 660 Unless Otherwise Indicated


Livingston County R 3 School See Schools-Public

Lloyd Donald 26483 Berkeley Dr Humphreys............................... 673-6272 Lloyd Kevin 28248 N State St Lamoni................................. 641-784-4366 Lloyd Velma 1311 E 28th St.......................................................... 359-6383 Loch David & Lisa 28794 Jade Rd Maryville.............................. 582-4445 Loch Gene 25320 250th St Maryville............................................. 582-8961 Loch Harlan 322 E 7th Maryville.................................................. 582-5783 Loch Robert E Jr 1208 Parkdale Rd Maryville............................ 582-4772 Loch Sand & Construction Co 26866 238th St Maryville..... 562-3100 Lockbox Mini Storage Hwy 69 East Lamoni & Hwy 69 South Leon............................. 641-784-6642 Or........................................................................................ 515-202-0091 Lockhart Joan Rt 2..................................................................... 783-2296 Lockhart John 413 N Locust St................................................... 783-2451 Lockhart Steve 103 E 3rd St....................................................... 783-2404 Locklar Thomas J 5684 335th St Albany.................................... 726-3140 Lockridge Allison 406 E Yates St.............................................. 663-4086 Lockridge Constant & Conrad CPA 801 Main...................... 359-2263 Lockridge Constant & Conrad LLC 706 Grant Princeton......................................................................... 748-4423 Lockridge Dale 17274 302nd St Jamesport................................ 684-6659 Lockridge Dan 1601 S Prospect St Gallatin................................. 663-2598 Lockridge Kenneth 30491 State Hwy P Jamesport................... 684-6267 Lockridge Ryan 707 S Prospect St Gallatin................................. 663-3394 Lockwood Lanell 562 State Highway F Jamesport..................... 684-6979 Lockwood T & D 731 SW 55th Ave Jamesport........................... 684-6490 Lockwood V Grant City................................................................. 564-2662 Locust Creek Realty 201 N High St Linneus...................................................................... 895-5050 Fax................................................................................................. 895-5051 Loe Darin & Lisa 25806 Mozingo Dr Maryville............................ 562-4611 Log Cabin Antiques 27015 Hwy A Princeton............................ 748-3714 Logan Jo Ann 404 N State St Lamoni................................ 641-784-6070 Logan Larry 1011 S 25th St Bethany............................................ 425-6320 Logan Richard 2603 Aurora Ave Maryville.................................. 582-6686 Lois' Beauty Shop 104 N 17th St Bethany.................................. 425-3165 Lollar Andrew 715 4th St Altamont............................................. 749-5387 Lollar Phyllis 504 E Mill St Gallatin.............................................. 663-8938 Loman M M 1709 Vandivert St Bethany....................................... 425-8177 Lomax Rita K 305 N 17th St Bethany........................................... 425-3129 Lone Star Baptist Church 6006 State Hwy FF Denver............ 439-2232 Lone Star Investments LLC 120 S Smith St........................... 726-5119 Loney Pauline 400 N 12th St Albany........................................... 726-4370 Long Allen L Major (Ret) 2106 Central St Bethany................ 425-6234 Long Brett & Abbie 205 S 4th St Maitland................................ 935-2476 Long Charles 115 Railroad St...................................................... 244-3078 Long Creek Outfitters Hwy 2 Leon................................ 641-446-3535 Long Creek Saloon 205 S 16th Bethany.................................... 425-8650 Long David G 14566 Hwy DD Purdin........................................... 244-5835 Long Debbie ............................................................................... 562-2822 Long Jeff & Glenda 22562 320th St Skidmore.......................... 582-3053 Long L ............................................................................................ 562-0330 Long Larry A & Carla 5924 State Hwy DD Denver.................... 439-2820 Long Lila 1645 Bob White Cir Albany............................................. 726-5599 Long Philip L 34904 E State Hwy 146 Bethany............................ 425-3547 Long Ralph 301 Walnut Maitland................................................. 935-2516 Long Regina 603 S 22nd St Bethany............................................ 425-2404 Long Rev David & Deborah 2910 430th Rd Gentry............... 448-2246 Long Russell 13824 Raintree Dr Maitland.................................... 935-2580 Long Steve 501 N 25Th St Bethany............................................... 425-3142 Long Steve 1705 Daily Rd Bethany............................................... 425-7239 Long Todd 201 S 2nd St Sheridan.................................................. 799-2016 Long Tyler N 14682 Clark Dr Purdin............................................. 244-3388


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