Grand River, MO-2015


McElvain Tyler ............................................................................ 564-7173 McFadin Richard E 181 Rowboat Dr Gallatin............................ 663-3953 McFall Delbert & Amber 27523 E State Hwy Y Ridgeway...... 425-3267 McFall Thomas E 1114 Barbara St Bethany............................... 425-3739 McFarland Tara 525 S Linden St Lamoni........................... 641-784-6672 McFee J L & Ina 28485 185th St................................................ 749-5424 McFee Joe & Julie RR 3 Princeton........................................... 382-4757 McFee Tammy 3 Beach Front Princeton...................................... 382-4643 McGahuey David 306 NW 6th St Leon............................. 641-446-6303 McGarry Brian 28312 US Hwy 69 Winston.................................. 749-5402 McGary Frank & Dixie 521 N Market Maryville....................... 582-4842 McGee Dustin 1406 E 9 Trenton................................................. 357-2370 McGee Dustin 1406 E 9th St Trenton.......................................... 357-2816 McGeorge Jo Anne 33627 Jet Rd Barnard............................... 652-3449 McGeorge Marlyn Guilford....................................................... 652-3990 McGhee David & Lisa 3062 610th Rd New Hampton................ 439-2080 McGhee Madonna 203 E Howell St........................................... 726-5509 McGinley Donald Ivan 105 8th St Darlington........................... 666-2935 McGinley Henry/Mary 5060 370th St Darlington.................... 666-2415 McGinley J R 3595 McCurry Grove Trl Darlington........................ 666-3115 McGinley Jerry 3752 State Hwy H Darlington............................. 666-2347 McGinley Lori 407 E South St...................................................... 726-4105 McGinley Merlin & Lora 1702 E North St Albany.................... 726-3062 McGinley Phillip Jr 20309 Hawk Rd Maryville.......................... 562-4743 McGinley Robert M 906 E Elm St Albany.................................. 726-3704 McGinley Roy L 3586 State Hwy H Darlington............................ 666-2127 McGinness Electric Heating & Air Conditioning 312 E 3rd St Maryville...................................................................... 582-7401 McGinness LeRoy 422 S Davis Maryville................................... 582-3939 McGinness Richard W Rt 4 Box 35 Grant City......................... 564-2651 McGinness Robert 24110 315th St Maryville............................ 582-4898 Mc Ginnis Alice & Wallace 30485 Delta Trl Skidmore........... 928-3457 McGlothlin Rhonda 37842 E State Hwy 146 Gilman City........... 876-5402 Mcgowan James 601 Morningside Dr Trenton........................... 359-5110 McGrath Elizabeth 605 Maryvue Dr Maryville........................... 582-5741 McGrew Steve 306 W 4th St Grant City....................................... 564-2323 McGuire Art 12004 Hwy N Cainsville............................................ 893-5601 McGuire Carl 224 S State St Lamoni................................. 641-784-6782 McGuire Edward 905 Main St Cainsville.................................... 893-5644 McGuire Geo W 1707 E 5th St.................................................... 359-2469 McGuire Glen & Elizabeth 16803 State Hwy N...................... 367-4712 McGuire Jerry 12731 Highway T Cainsville................................. 382-4262 McGuire Linda 200 Crown Colony Lamoni........................ 641-784-7519 McGuire Richard T RR 1 Cainsville............................................ 893-5264 McGuire T ..................................................................................... 582-2044 Mchargue Cody ......................................................................... 339-5031 McHargue Nick DDS 2700 Oklahoma Av..................................... 359-3800 McHargue Vernon 125 Broadway Ave Gilman City..................... 876-5230 McHargue Woodrow 19335 Festival Loop Princeton................ 748-3855 McInteer Carolyn 208 S Olive St Gallatin................................... 663-7024 McIntire Dennis E 28683 163rd Ave Lamoni................... 641-784-6701 McIntosh Craig &Valerie 31378 State Hwy F Jamesport....... 684-6510 McIntosh David H 24313 W State Hwy D Martinsville............... 845-2390 McIntosh Dorothy 912 Ranchwood Rd Bethany......................... 425-3638 McIntosh Gary & Melva 213 E Broadway St Graham.............. 939-2856 McIntosh Ila June 311 Vine St Ridgeway.................................. 872-6294 McIntosh James R 334 NW Hwy C Spickard............................. 485-6642 McIntosh Jennifer 1103 East Canaday Street........................... 726-3436 McIntosh Jerry 22940 E 300th St Bethany.................................. 425-6501 McIntosh Jerry & Jean 17952 US Hwy 65 Princeton............... 748-3920 McIntosh Mark 40486 Galaxy Rd Graham................................... 939-2641 McIntosh Roger 403 N 15th St Albany........................................ 726-3572 McIntosh Ryland 27037 175th St............................................... 749-5727 Area Code 660 Unless Otherwise Indicated

McCrary Cecil D 27538 Grate Ave Jamesport............................ 684-6523 McCrary Chris 205 E Maple St Clyde........................................... 944-2643 McCrary David 101 1st St Gilman City........................................ 876-5363 McCrary Donald 304 Roosevelt St Conception Jct...................... 944-2293 McCrary Marianne 1337 W Grand St Gallatin........................... 663-3053 McCrary Mason 507 7th St Conception Jct................................. 944-2284 Mccrary Randy 302 E Crowder Rd Trenton................................. 359-6347 McCrary Ron & Billye 518 E 14th Maryville............................. 582-4395 McCrary Shannon 15350 State Hwy AA Pattonsburg................ 367-4222 Mccrary Sharon 419 E Main St Stanberry.................................. 783-9591 McCrary William J 609 Main St Clyde....................................... 944-2491 McCrea Andrew & Paula 4663 State Hwy A Maysville........... 666-2765 McCrea Dean 411 N Ohio King City............................................. 535-4455 McCrea's A F Super 111 E Vermont King City........................... 535-4422 McCrorey Dorothy H 35976 US Hwy 136 Ravenwood............... 937-2431 McCubbin Nadja 574 Lake Viking Terr....................................... 663-5447 McCue Sue 2207 Vandivert St Bethany......................................... 425-6504 McCulley Betty 203 S Willow Gallatin......................................... 663-2480 McCulley Darrell 2012 Chicago Trenton.................................... 359-5481 McCulley Gary & Debbie 21676 Gable Rd Browning.............. 946-4600 McCulley Harold & Mary Lea 420 S Ballew Princeton.......... 748-4578 McCulley Lisa RR 1 Mercer......................................................... 382-5875 McCulloch Mark & Carol 1816 N Alco Ave Maryville.............. 582-2556 McCullough Chuck 1250 King Rd Allerton...................... 641-873-6750 McCullough Edward 1228 King Rd Allerton................... 641-873-4402 McCullough J L 1921 Hunter Rd Trenton................................... 359-6528 McCullough Rodney & Shelly 1101 NE Poplar St Leon.......................................................... 641-446-4208 McCullough Tom & Stacey 808 NW 15th St Trenton............. 789-2742 McCully Betty 503 S Main St Linneus.......................................... 895-5243 McCully Robert 507 Central St Redding........................... 641-767-8003 McCully Steven & Nancy 18297 Boulder Dr Harris................ 794-2137 McDade Jeffrey R 725 W 3rd St Lamoni......................... 641-784-3933 McDaniel Amy 2294 Hwy 65 Princeton....................................... 748-3360 McDaniel B R 19578 315th St Davis City........................... 641-442-8181 McDaniel Carl 118 Fisher Ave Gilman City.................................. 876-5319 McDaniel Charles 23779 US Hwy 69 Leon...................... 641-446-4652 McDaniel D 2500 Independence Ave Bethany.............................. 425-3226 McDaniel David & Dana Forest Ave Pattonsburg................... 367-2567 McDaniel Garold 11510 Ashwood Ave Mc Fall........................... 367-2338 McDaniel Jack 203 SW Lorraine St Leon.......................... 641-446-6163 McDaniel M M 315 W Mill St Davis City............................ 641-442-8905 McDaniel Richard R 422 Beasley Rd Galt................................. 673-6745 Mcdonald Denise 611 E Myrtle St Stanberry............................. 783-2643 McDonald Dennis 410 NE Hwy J Galt....................................... 673-6508 McDonald Frank 604 E Grand St Gallatin................................... 663-2743 McDonald Gary & Merry 229 E 7th Maryville......................... 582-4879 McDonald Jack 110 Hwy 139 Humphreys.................................. 673-6545 McDonald L W DO 221 E 7th St Cameron....................... 816-632-2111 McDonald Loreen 467 SW Dogwood Ln.................................... 339-7088 McDonald Mary A 380 N Stringer Humphreys........................... 673-6411 McDonald Raymond 746 S 8th St Spickard.............................. 485-6448 McDonald Richard 125 N Stringer St Humphreys..................... 673-6223 McDonald Rodney & Ann 620 NE Hwy NN Trenton................ 673-6013 McDonald Teresa 321 Main St King City..................................... 535-4778 McDonald W Jeff 11310 Argo Rd Chula.................................... 639-2240 McDonald's Of Bethany I-35 & 136 Bethany........................... 425-6904 McDonald's Of Trenton 1861 E 9th St..................................... 359-6738 McDonald's Restaurant 1106 S Main St Maryville................... 582-8222 McDowell Leo & Sue 904 E Perry St Albany............................ 726-5725 McElfish Mark 30957 310th Ave Lineville......................... 641-876-2531 McElroy Tim 32495 Delta Trl Skidmore........................................ 928-3639 McElvain Frank 111 Lafayette St Denver.................................... 326-2189

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