2017 RETA Breeze Nov-Dec

Thank you sponsors RETA National Conference 2017

There were so many elements to this fantastic Conference, which has become the place to be every year. as if they did not have actual jobs outside of planning the Conference. It is their seasoned expertise and industry knowledge that made this program a success and delivered to attendees unmatched opportunities for learning. RETA HQ Staff not only worked 15-18 hour days but still managed to smile every morning! You guys are amazing! I want to also thank our sponsors as well as the many vendors who participated in our Exhibition Hall. Without you I would not even be sitting here writing this letter. You are the heartbeat that keeps the blood pumping and we could not survive without your continued patience and generosity! Finally, a huge thank you to all the attendees! Without you we would not be able to love what we do. Just like a family, your successes are our successes. For anyone who has never been to a RETA Conference, I highly recommend it. Next year we are in Dallas and we would love for you to experience how a RETA National Conference is like no other! The 2017 Conference Committee dedicated their time, ideas and energy

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