TPT March 2013

Leading The World In Pipe Finishing.

Our design end-finishes pipes without the requirement of cutting each one, drastically

improving production yield. Engineered to provide numerous end-finishes, including 5L line pipe, double cuts and square ends. An extremely efficient, yet rugged design allows for cutting and finishing pipe with a 2” thick wall at speeds up to 500 fpm. Contact us for your next pipe finishing project.

200 years of industrial progress

Pipe Finishing

World Headquarters phone: +1 330-244-1960 fax: 330-244-1961

European Office phone: +44 (0) 870-442-2686 fax: + 44 (0) 870-442-2989

Asian Office phone: +86 (10) 8526-2010 fax: +86 (10) 8526-2012

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