Alcala Yearbook 2002

S ep tember ·11 , 20o-l wi ll go down in history as A meri cans. I t was a day that fo rced the rea lity of wa r on an inexperi enced generation that knew nothing but peace and prosperity . T he mature genera ti ons alrea d y experienced Wo rld War II , The Korean War, o r Vi etnam and understood the se,·erity of the A ttack on A mer ica . A t 8:45 A.M., as Ameri ca n Airli nes flight 11 crashed into the orth Tower of the Wo rl d T rade Center, the carefree sense of security possessed by this country and its citi zens was d issolved. As America ns watched the break ing news in horror, we wi tnessed United Ai rlin es flight 175 co llapse the rem cli ning South Tower of the Wo rld Trade Center. Fo ll ow ingsuitsoon clfter, Ame ri ccl n Airlines flight 77 crclshed in to cl portion of th e l 1 entclgon. By using humcl n civi Iians clS cl gu id cd missile to ki II o thers, the terro ri sts engclged themselves in cl war like none others prev iously known. It is not a Will" th at Ccl n be won by overcoming boundMies, or by identi fy ing cl certcl in race of people clS the enemy . It is a war on enemy terrori sts; some known, and o thers faceless enemi es that hcl ve in fil trated the co untry . Luckily, desp ite m ·er 6,000 CclSUcl lti es, the terrorists hclve fa il ed. lnstecld of teilring our communiti es clpa rt, it has united us clS Ame ri cans. As we p repa re to send our b rothers and sisters, cousi ns, and o ther loved ones aw,1y to ensure vve keep our freedom cl nd d emocracy, w e shou ld stop cl nd thank Cod fo r cl ll of the bless ings we hcl,·e and those we seek to ensure. th e da y th a t shocked all

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