Alcala Yearbook 2002
Below: Linked together, these fresh– rnen enjoy sorn e bond ing ti rn e ilS they ge t to know eilch other th rough va ri – ous Ori en til tion acti,·ities.
At left: Ga thering to h,1,·e~orne fun in the sun, rnany frcshrncn enjoyed an afternoon of rel,1x,1 ti on ilt the Dil\' on the Green. ,
Dancing the
At Left:
night away, this fresh– rnan show soff his rnoves at a dance held du ring the week.
Below: Laug hing out loud, these freshrnen lis– ten and tell stori es about thernselves at the many srn all group mee tin gs held during the week.
Above: Preparing for the time of her life, th is freshrnen cools down and <1ctively involves herself in one of the Orientation actitivites. For rnany, exciting events like thi s were just the beginning of all the great lirnes ahead.
Orientation Week 13
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