Alcala Yearbook 2002

____ t of Breath

With one final breath, the end has come to the 2001-2002 school year. Without our notice the crisp blue skies of September slipped away to become the blue spring sky of May, with every– thing in between amass of jumbled memories. For the first time this year students walked the halls of the Kroc Institute for Peace andJusticeand watched as the Science Annex and new resident hall slowly began to take shape from the ground. Next year, students will inhabit those buildings as well, but today they are only a glimpse at the future. Now the class of 2002 takes their leave with graduation, and the history of USD adds another chapter. Soon there will be no one on campus who remem– bers when Maher was all boys or what existed in the spot where the Kroc now stands. Like the ocean to our west, change is constant. Classes continually enter, take part, and then leave our campus in one quick wave. The year is over before we even realized that it began, and the end has come from ... out of the blue.

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