Alcala Yearbook 2002


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THE RN INTERNSHIP IN PEDIATRICS FOR THE NEW GRADUATE RN The cha lle nge, focing 1he new grad uate pedi.itrir H a re ,ig11ilkan1. /\cu1cly ill childr('n. in cumbma tion wi lh a high technology cnvironmcnl. mandate 1ha1 1hc new grad 11a1c must have the fine st education. e>.lcnd cd cli n ical exp('riencc unuer the guidance of a preceptor, and the appropri ate ,u ppon ,ystcm,, lo make 1hc , unc",,ful tran,i1ion lro111 nur,ing , 111den1 10 profc~,ion..11 nurse. Childr_e_ns Hospital An eles, a .1 14-bcd leach ing facility. 11ndcr, 1and, yo ur IJccds a, a new gradua1e H . fo meet 1ho e needs. our R Intern hip in Pcclia1ric, rrovide, yo u wi 1h the specific toob a nd experience, you need 10 be ~ucce 5fu l. • 6 months in length • Classroom and clinica.l experie nce a laried rosition wi th benefits package • Relocalion assis tance • Rapid promolion progra m • Unique support ystcm of self-care group and Mcnlors

Don t lo,pt lo •di aboul ou, tirrloution Au l l,.no ■nd ~lrn On &onu.~~,;11

• l'ive pedialric, specialt y cho ice


• ~SDHeol

lo find ou l murc about 1hi, innova – livc program or to have an applica – tion packet ed to you , plca,c con1 act our Nurse Recruiter, Pamela Datri a, RN . al (323) 669-2193. LOI./M.


Sharp HealthCare Celebrates Your Commitment to Success. Congratulations to the Class of 2002

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