Alcala Yearbook 2002

Our love for you and our pride in your accomplish– ments are boundless.

Dear Serena, From the ti me you were born we always knew you would go far . There ' s never been a more determined kid! Your spirit, character, and loyalty have always made us proud. We're bursting with pride as you reach this great milestone in your life. Con– gratulations to our very spe– cial daughter. You're a re– markable young woman and we love you very much. Love, Mom and Dad

Mom, Dad, Lizzie and Anthony

Dear Jennifer, Your grace and balance in life are admirable qualities of your charac– ter. Your humor abd laughter fil l our lives with joy and admiration . You make us proud.

Congratulations Princess! With great pride and much love, Mom, Dad and Adam

Our love is forever, Mom. Dad. Kri stina

Congratulations I I'm very proud of you. May your USO achieve– ment be just the beginning of the brightest, best things yet to come. May ''the force be with you'' and most espec ially- May God be with you. Lots of love. Mom

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