Alcala Yearbook 2002



Amy, From first grade

Congratulations Kevin!! You have always been a shining light in our family.We are so proud of your accomplish– ments. We hope you catch the wave of your dreams and ride it into a wonderful future. Our Love Always, Dad, Mom, Sarah and Taryn

through college, you have alway been a special person– talented in art, music and sports, as well as in academics. Thanks for being you and giving u so much joy.

We Love You! Mom and Dad

KES We are so proud of you. You worked very hard to accomplish your goals. Love,Mom& Dad

Dear Matthew, AULT We are so proud of you, not only of your accomplishments as a graduating senior. but also of your growth and devel– opment as an awesome man of God I Thank you for being such a GREAT son and big brother. We love you! Mom, Mike. Sara, Jessica. and Hannah

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