Alcala Yearbook 2002


"Our Princess of Peace" We are proud ofyour efforts and accomplishments, but most of all we are proud of the woman you have become. We will always treasure the love, dreams, and memories you have given us. Xanti: The whole world awaits you. The best is yet to come! Love, Dad, Mom and Anaytte


Siamo tanto orgoglio e di voi. Siete ere ciute genero e & leali con tutti , empre gioio e & compren ive. Po a il futuro es ere colmo di pro perita e che i vo tri sogni pos ano e ere e au diti. Congratulazioni.

"Hard work and determination lay the foundation for success... 27: 14- 156-3"

Con amore Mamma & Nonna

Dear Dan, Congrarulation ! We are o proud of you.!! Love from 'your bigge t fa ns' , Mom, Dad & Kate Proverb 3:5-6 Tru t in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own under tanding; in all your way acknow ledge Him and He will make your path traight.

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