TE19 Iberian Adventure

John Hartley

Thecuisine isunapologeticallysimple; itdistilssimple ingredients rather than layers complex flavours. ‘Duck Rice’ exemplifies the culinary ‘Art of omission’ – Succulent duck hidden beneathmoist rice, topped with a baked egg. The conversation turned to family sagas, lost connections, the missing years, his travels. For my Grandfather travel, like art, was dialogical. “One long conversationwith theworld… It’s never really stopped.” The music night was in full swing when Judy was persuaded to perform, catching the pianist off guard with her soaring soprano. This was the good life sustained by hard work and seasoned with simple pleasures. The moonlight illuminated the drunken drive back up to the house. “I did crash once – I had to fetch the jeep the following day.” Grandad confided, “Vitorino never said anything – but they still judge me – I can feel it!”


The following day we headed west to the municipal capital. Silves was home to Pedro – a jack of all trades who had overseen the house build.

“He was recommended by our solicitor in Messines,” Judy explained, “She knew the family.”

“The recession hit them hard.” Grandad added, “Now they’re trapped paying a home loan. Maria is expecting their first child.” In the modern apartment Pedro showed us into his office - soon to be nursery. 172

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