authors ended up with the spiral shape of the structure. As Vladimir Shaposhnik says, they have not invented anything new, but through logical reasoning have arrived at the most suitable scheme, which provides easy access, compact arrangement of cars, the most effi- cient usage of the site from the economical point of view, and aesthetic appearance of the building. The parking has underground and above- the-ground levels. Originally the customer re- quested that metal structures should be used for the project, but because of rapidly increas- ing prices for metal they have been replaced with monolith. The main advantage is its sol- id shape, which they managed to achieve with the help of non–isolated ramps, which helped them avoid adding extra volume.

The main principle of the project is two non– crossing spirals going one above the other, fol- lowing the principle of the double thread. With a standard slope of 6% the levels came togeth- er in such a way, that one loop takes a car up one level, while four exits – two in each direc- tion – solved the problem of adding extra lev- els: «drive in, turn around, drive out». A cou- ple of semi-domes made of honeycomb poly- carbonate create a well lit space, while natural lighting makes the interior airy and more in- teresting. Accessible roof offers extra parking space. At both sides of the building there are stairs, which serve as escape routes, they are shared by the upper and the lower levels, but are divided with a cutter, a cradle that allows avoiding fumigation, should the fire break out. For customers an important advantage is

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