NCYCRegularMeetingMinutes Page5of 8

Donmentioned that there is aneed for anew lawnmower next year. Theoldonewas purchased in2003. The sprinkler systemwasnotworking right, so itwas reworked.

Membership- BrianMalik At openingweekend,wehad$138,600 inmembershipdues. Wehave4more applications, so todatewehave$141,500. Twonewmemberspaid in full. Motion: MovedbyBrianMalik toapproveKimberlySmithas anewmember. Seconded byBobCarnaghi. MotionCarried. Twonewmembersneed tobe interviewed. Publications- BrentMalik Brent gave theTreasurer a check for $560.00 fromamember for advertising in the BeaconandRoster. TheRosterswere received in time for theGeneralMembershipMeeting. Brent sent anemail to the FirstMates asking them to sell theextra rosters in the Boatique. A reminder that onlymembers canpurchase the rosters.

Secretary–RandyPagel Absent- Excused

Supplies –HughVestal Wehavea lot of suppliesonhand. Thebeer prices arenow$2.00 for a16ouncebeer. Due to somemember comments thatwehaveall light beer andno regular beer,wewill now carry Labatt's and stop sellingBlue Light.

Transportation–Pat Carroll We have one mainland well open at this time. The next person on the list has been contacted. If there isno response,wewill go to thenext personon the list. Number II Finneeds a fixon thenavigation lights. Number I Finneeds repairs, butwill onlybeout of thewater for oneday.

Fleet Captain - IanBlackburn

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