Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1936-37 (1)


Organized Negro Parish In 1925, Father Buddy organiz- ed a pa.rish in St. .Tos!!Ph for the Negroes. The church, which start- ed in a small 3-room house, grew into a brick structure established as St. Augustine's church.

Many Fields of Endeavor In Church, Civic World WARMLY PRAISED In 1931 he was responsible for the opening of St. Vincent's Cafe- tera. there, of which San Diegans already have heard. Thousands of poor were fed there during the three year period before it was taken over by the federal govern- ment. The project was highly praised in many parts of the Member of Health Commis- United_States and st. Joseph au- sion at St.Joseph Leader !horiti~s gave it credit_ for ho~d- • ' •· mg crime to a 1:Jw point durmg In Commumty Affairs the several bleak winters. During I --- j April of 1933 a total of 96,000 San Diego's new bishop-elect, meals were served at the cafeteria. the Very Rev. Father Charles F. A chapel was opened near-by for Buddy, Ph. D., D. D., for some J transient worshipers. It was Fa- years rector of the St. Joseph, Mo., ther Buddy, too, who arranged to Cathedral parish, was praying in I take care of undernourished chil- , the cathedral last week when he dren of the Cathedral school and received news of his appointment started annual clinics at the to the See of San Diego, accord- school. ing to press reports from the Ca- Stildied In Rome tholic and secular papers of the The new bishop of San Diego Missouri city. News of the ele- is the son of the late Charles A. vation came as a complete sur- Buddy, commission broker in• prise to the Bishop-elect Buddy. wholesale fruits, who died in 1927. He had been to a Community His mother, Annie Farrel Buddy, Chest meeting in the city hall • died last March. on graduating earlier in the evening, then had from st. Mary's College, St. made calis on sick members of his Mary's, Kansas, where he was congregation. Returning home he president of the junior class and entered the cathedral and was en- editor of The Dial, he determined gaged in prayer when an assistant to study for the priesthood. broke the news to him.____ Bishop Maurice F. Burke sent Plans for theconseeration cere- him to Rome in 1909 to enroll as monies have not as yet been set a student of the North American in St. .Joseph, since they can not College after he had informed the be completed until arrival of the I bishop of his desire to ?ecome_ a papal bulls from Rome, and ac- priest. He continued his studies cording to the latest word, Bish- there for four years and received op-elect Buddy will probably not ltls doctor of philosophy degree arrive in San Diego until February from the Propaganda University 1. of Rome. The new prelate was highly He was ordained, Sept. 19, 1914, lauded by the newspapers of his in St. John's Lateran Cathedral home city and judging from the i.R Rome. He spent another year spontaneous praise they gave him studying in Rome and returned to and their own delight at his ele- st. Joseph July 23, 1915. vation, San Diego is to be congrat- 1 Eight days after his retu~·n to ulated, Catholic and non-Catha- St. Joseph he became assistant li e alike at the good fortune in pastor of the Cathedral and chap- , h' h ·t 1 The receiving such a man for a spir- lain of St. Josep s ospi a · . itual leader. He will bring with late Bishop Burke in 1917 appomt- him cultural gifts of mind and ed him as chancellor and pe~·son- soul. al secretary and in 192~- BIBhop The forty-nine year old priest, Francis Gilfillan named him as active in civic, charitable and SO• director of the diocesan branch of ciological work and a member of the Society for the Propagation of the city board of health at St. the Faith. Jos~ph, has- b£t>n active in many In March, 1926, the late Bishop fields. In 1923 Father Buddy in- Gilfillan appointed him rector of augurated an information forum St. Joseph's cathedral and admin- at which no names were taken, no istator of ceremonies. He later questions asked, and those attend- was named judge of the matri- jng were under no obligation. Last monial court, diocesan consultor year 156 were converted to the and vice-official of the diocese. catholic Faith at his cathedral

The Very Rev. Charles F. Buddy, S. T.L., Ph.D., bishop-elect of San U1ego, whose picture arrived too late last week for the regular Friday edition. The new prelate win be consecrated in St. Joseph, Mo., where he has spent his entire years as a priest and will then come to San Die 15 o, probably about the first of February. Has Three Sisters ' Father Buddy has three sisters, Father Buddy is a member of Mrs. Louis J. Dandurant, 424

the Knights of Columbus, the East South Ninth street, St. Joseph; Hills Country Club, Order of For- Mrs. Daniel J. Redmond, Long Is- esters and the alumni associations I land, New York; Sister Mary of the Christian Brothers' High Magdalene, supeiior of Sacred School, st. Benedict's College, St. Heart Academy in Ogden, Utah, Mary's College and the North and a brother, .Dr. Edward P. Bud- ,American .College of Rome. dy, St. Louis. ·

The name Budd~ has been trac- I ed back in this cotmtry to Colon- ial days. At one ,:time the name , was spelled Budla, at another I About a century ago the name was cµanged to the more American ,form of Buddy. Buddi,



and at another Buddoi. ,.;.;;;============;..'

Bishop-Elect Buddy has been a member of St. Joseph's council, No. 571, Knights of Columbus, for 1 more than tw;nt: y~ears.

through the forum. Since its be- ginning it has gained more than 1,000 converts.

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