Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1936-37 (1)
Bishop Youngest MOTHER OF NEW PRELATE DIES BUT FEW MONTHS BEFORE HONOR GIVEN SON Was Mother of Seven Children, Three of Whom Became Religious. Death Preceeded by Five Years' Illness Regret that the beloved mother donated to st. Vincent's Cafeteria, ~f San Diego's new ~ish~p did not a civic charity founded by her son, I hve to see and enJoy ,he honor the Very Rev. c. F. Buddy. Th bestowed upon her son by the . e 1 Holy Mother Church has been ex- Ca~h~hc Orphanages were other pressed by many. ' I recipients of her generosities. Mrs. C. A. Buddy died in her St. I . Mrs. Buddy and the late Mrs. Joseph, Mo., home in March of Silas Woodson, wife of a former this year and was buried follow- Governor of Missouri, organized ing a Requiem celebrated by the first Hospital Guild in St. Jo- her son, Bishop-elect Buddy, and seph, which provided supplies and attended by several bishops and clothing for the indigent poor many members of the clergy. A p tr f c th • • · sketch of her life and death was a on o a olic Education given at the time by the st. Jo- The deceased was the mother of seph Catholic Tribune, which we seven children, three of whom en- reprint: tered religion, Charles Francis be- "Surrounded by those who were coming a priest and two daugh- most dear, amid the fervent pray- ters, the late Sister Loretto (Miss ers of her devoted family and the I Marie Buddy) and Sister Mary Sisters of Charity, the soul of Mrs. Magdalene (Miss Lillian Buddy) C. A. Buddy, mother of the Very became members of the Holy Cross Rev. C. F. Buddy, pastor of St c ·t t Joseph's Cathedral, passed to it~ ommuru Y a Notre Dame, Ind. eternal reward Monday morning Mrs. Buddy was a great patron at 4:30 o'clock at st. Joseph's of Catholic schools, her children hospital. all receiving elementary and aca- As the first flush of a dawn demic, as well as college, educa- streaked the eastern sky, the Holy tion from local Catholic schools Sac1ifice of the Mass was offered and leading Catholic colleges, Fa- by her devoted son, Father Buddy, ther Buddy being a graduate of to usher into Eternal Light the the Jesuit College at St. Mary's, precious soul of his beloved moth- Kans., and an alumunus of the er. Present at this Holy Requiem ' American College at Rome. were the members of her family, ' Buddy Home Social Center Sister Mary Magdalene (Miss Lil- The Buddy home was a center lian Buddy), Superior of Sacred I of refinement and culture, reflect- Heart Academy, Ogden, Utah; ing the characteristics of its Mrs. Daniel J. Redmond of Laur- I charming hostess, who supple- elton, N. Y., Mrs. L. J. Dandurant mented foreign travel with a a.nd Dr. Edward Buddy of St. broad literary appreciation. To Louis. this home came members of the Mrs. Buddy, who was 77 years Hierarchy, clergy, distinguished of age, was born in st. Joseph, the visitors from abroad and leaders daughter of Edward and Rose in civic and social life. Garrigan Farrell, natives of Ire- A five years' illness was in God's land, her father being a pioneer designs to complete the sanctifi- carriage manufacturer. Her child- cation of the deceased. Reduced to j hood enjoyed the blessings of a inactivity as far as social and truly religious home. From ·its home life were concerned. she benign atmosphere she went as a turned her attention to the things young girl to the Sacred Heart of God, her spiritual books and Academy, where she was an ex- Rosary beads becoming her faith- emplary pupil. After completing ful companions. her education, she later returned Her deep faith and devotedness to her alma mater and became a to her family have left a lasting Child of Mary, being at the time impression on all those with whom of her death a charter member of she shared her friendship. the todality. During ·the last years of her · In 1879, Annie Farrell was mar- life, it was her privilege to have ried to Charles A. ·Buddy, a com- her son offer the Holy Sacrifice mission merchant, who preceded occasionally in her home, a. privi- her in death seven years ago. lege which she held most sacred. Love of Poor Many Rosaries Offered for Her From her parents Mrs. Buddy Du1ing the several days of her inherited a love for the poor that demise, groups came to her home, found exercise even in the last 424 South Ninth street, and offer- days of her life, and her charities ed the Rosary at her bier. Tues- were manifold, known only to day afterhoon Sisters from the those privileged to receive the different Religious Orders, the kindnesses bestowed with the gra- children of the Cathedral School, cious unobstrusiveness of the don- and nurses and alumnae of St. or. Among her beneficiaries were Joseph's Hospital offered prayers.
His Grace, Most kv. Jobn J. .Cantwell
· His Grace. Archbishop John J. Cantwell, D.D., ot Los Angeles. who will give the Pontifical Benedic- t10n of the Most Blessed Sacrament in the St.'s Cathedral on the eve_ of the Conse.cration of Bishop- Elect Buck!?'· A~·chb1shop Cantwell served as bishop o~ the territory mcluded in the new Diocese of San Diego for 19 years, when it was a part of the Diocese of Los Angeles and San Diego. Youngest of Large Family (Continued from page 1)
Later in the afternoon, the Chil~ dren of Mary affiliated with the Convent of the Sacred Rea.rt re- cited the Rosary. In the evening the Third Order of St. Francis of which she was a charter member recited the Rosary. Wednesda; evening at 7:30 the Cathedral Parish. and at 8:30 St. Ann's Al- tar Society and the Cathedral Club also said the Rosary. It was most edifying to note the spirit- ual bouquets and the hundreds of Masses offered for the repose of her soul. Besides the five children who 1 were with her when the end came there were two other children wh; preceded her in death. Sister Mary Loretto. who died in 1922, and Miss Helen Buddy, who died last fall. The deceased is also surviv- ed by a. brother, James R. Farrell, 502 South Eleventh street and six
buildings on Second street, the former Buddy commission o_ffices,
(Continued on page 6) -Column One-
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