Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1936-37 (1)

Souvenir Poem

(The p{)l.'lD


to Bishop 'l\ill a,.

Rndd.,·, of ~t. Joseph, who

-Ulm' t!Jt• 1l111ie.· of the Ordinal''\' of ·an Diego, Califoi:nia. the flr;;t of P.-bruary, ha' been writ- eu hy one who ha' known him for many ·car,;. It i' a tribute of ad- miration to t. J osepli"s natil"e-. on bbhop.) ~OU l 1;:'\l.R l'OE~f I ..\ n Epi~copal Consecra.tion O.t:rering: .\C'rostio I \1uat Rer n u;:ht but what redounds i \q , or, at lcnst, ull science tl!ut lie cau, Docs not tlw 1fitcr-i;ift from our ""'bite l,;hr,nhrrrl." nn thr Homnn hills. elat<' 1·ou ns (Jnil will~ it so'! St ,Toe is thri11N1 ' You'l l rrprcscut it ut the "Golucu ftafp, '' Depart. Kincl Fripnd nn,l Pastor tru<', to fielcl,q afar, 110<1 floeks nf'w-founu. • 1 nespitr our threnodies, their welkin, soon. with glad ncctaim shall lout! rrsouod. -.i CIJristian IlrotlJer. tb1> rllocese of neL~iou l.,r. You·11 ht.•a1· the Cross, ,vhieh 1'l'l!'r·s co allJuloro all heruically I

519 ~ortli (1Jtntli ~treet $§1. J'lose.p~, ~o.


December 15, 1936.

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Redmond:

The Mcst Reverend C~arles F. Buddy, D.D . , Bish0p-elect nf San Diego, has directed me to extend you a very ccrdi~l invitati0n to dinner in the lobby overlo0kinb the Crystal Room of the Robidoux Hotel, Monday, December 21, at twelve forty-five o 1 clock • The Most Reverend Prelates and Clergy will be seated on the fl oo r of the Crystal Reem and tables have been arranged for the relatives of Bishop Buddy and fer the Farish Consultors and their wives in the lobby above. His Excellency will indeed be pleased to have you rrith him on this happy occasion. Kind- ly find inclosed herewith your cards rf reserva- tion fer the Consecration Ceremonies Monday morn- ing, December 21, at nine-fifteen o'clock. Thanking you for the favor of a prompt acceptance and with sentiments c.f profound esteem, Very respectfully yours, 1f.' _I ..11/la-tJz _!(__(/'"A ·0, .-7 / l / S e c r e t ifr y - Teleph~ne - 3764. 1 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Redmond , 131-28 228th Street , Laurelton, Long Island, N. Y.

SAINT MARY'S COLLEGE .=========;;;,- Two Sisters Attend Consecration

Sister Francis Jerome, vice- president of Saint :Mary's col- lege, and Sister ·11. Agnes Claudia, represented Saint Mary's college at the consecra- tion of the Most Reverend Charles Francis Buddy, Ph.D., D .D. Bishop Buddy i the new bishop of San Diego, Cali- fornia, where he will be in- stalled early in February. Bishop Buddy has long been a friend and benefactor of Saint :Mary' . T·he Holy Cross alumnae roll carries the names of his fo-e sisters. They are Sister Ma ry 1Iagdalen, former dean of women of the college, 1Irs. Cecile Dandurant, mother of Ann Elizabeth D andurant '138 . 1Ir . D aniel Redmond and the deceased Sister ?II. Loretta and :.\Iiss H elen Buddy.




519 North Tenth Street•


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