Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1936-37 (1)

VOL. XLil NO. 45 Official Organ of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles Friday, November 6, 1936 Pope Names San Diego Bishop - ------~--"-'--

Very Rev. Charles F. Buddy Of St. Joseph, Mo., Named Bishop of San Diego A NNOUNCEMENT was made last Tuesday morning through the N. C. W. C. News Service, Washington, D. C., that Pope Pius XI had named Very Rev. Charles F. Buddy, S.T.L., Ph.D., rector of St. Joseph's Cathedral at St. Joseph, Mo., as first Bishop of the newly erected Diocese of San Diego.



city he assisted at Nativity parisn. for two months. ACTIVITIES Reminiscent of Father 'Buddy's activities is a story written by Rev, Joseph A. Vaughan, S.J., of Loyola University while on a visit to St. Joseph, Mo., in June, 1932. The story was rnleased through the N. C. W. C. News Service and pub- lished in most of the Catholic papers throughout this country and Canada. While rector of st. Joseph's Cathedral Father Buddy became famous for his plan of feeding, clothing and providing medical care for the unemployed and their dependents through the depression years. His idea was simplicity it- self and soon the whole town was talking about it. It had the blessing and approval of the late Bishop Gilfillan at the very outset. The plan, in short, was to estab- lish a cafeteria and relief station, Being interested in St. Vincent de Paul Society work Father Buddy dedicated the new enterprise to St, Vincent. VOLUNTEER SERVICE Noting that a warehouse had been standing vacant, he got in touch with the owners and was told that he might make use of the two• story building rent free. Then he told the newspapers about it and they gave generous space to the plan. The result was a rush of volun- teer services and the warehouse was soon transformed into St. Vin- cent's Cafeteria. Public utilities, wholesale houses sent in assurance that they would back the movement and an insur- ance company took the risks for fire and accidents. Plumbing, fixtures, stoves and all the other essentials were installed and the power and fuel companies supplied light and heat. Wholesale and commission hous'.!s donated food. When everything was in order Bishop Gilfillan blessed the cafe- teria and placed it under the pro- tection of St. Vincent de Paul. Then the Bishop addressed the long line of waiting men and women: '·You are welcome," he said, ·'As long as we have, you'll have it." With that the cafeteria began to function.

The Bishop-elect is one of the outstanding priests of the Diocese of St. Joseph of which the Most Rev. Charles Hubert Le Blond, D.D., is Bishop. The Bishop-elect was born in Missouri, October 4, 1887, and re- ceived his early education in the local schools and at St. Mary's College, Kansas. He completed his studies at Rome and was ordained there on September 19, 1914, for the Diocese of St. Joseph, Mo. As a young priest he was assist- ant at St. Joseph's Cathedral and has been rector since 1926. For several years he has been a member of the Board of Diocesan Consultors and Director of the So- ciety for the Propagation of the Faith. The newly appointed Bishop be- longs to a pioneer Missouri family and is the second youngest of a family of seven. One brother, Dr. Ed. T. Buddy, M.D., is a member of the faculty of St. Louis University Medical School. Two s i s t e r s joined religious orders, the one, Sister Mary Mag- dalen, Superior of the Convent at Ogden, Utah, the other Sister Mary Loretto who died a few years ago. The Bishop-elect for San Diego Diocese has been an occasional summer visitor to Los Angeles and has many friends and acquaint- ances here. In 1922 while vacationing in this

THE TlCKET SYSTEM We Quote from Father Vaughan's article: "It is _the ticket system, st, Joseph residents were assured that brough~ about the success of the cafetena. These tickets sold for five cents, but the diners did not; pay for them. Every business house, hospital, club, institution purchased them in Jots. Men who were much on the street carri 'd pocketfuls handing them out to the hungry." Father Buddy spent day after day m the cafeteria. Excellent chefs were employed at a salary. . Aboye the cafeteria was a med- ical dispensary, also a clothing dis- pens~ry where 27,000 pieces ot clothing were given out during the first five months. The ent~rprise had the support ~f the entire community and dur- mg the lean years served a great; need,

The Most Reverend Charles F. Buddy, Ph .D., D.D. Bishop-Elect of San Diego

Rector of St. Joseph's Cathedral to Head San Diego Diocese

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