Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1936-37 (1)

MOUNT ST. SCHOLASTICA .\tchbon, Kan.-A guest of ~fount St. Scholastica for the last time before his departure for San Diego, the :Most Re,·. Charles F. Buddy, long associated "·ith the institution as friend, com• mencement speaker and retreat mas- ter. spent the forenoon of Saturday, .Jan. 9, at the conyent and college. At o'clock the newly consecrated prel• ate celebrated ~1ass in the convent ehapel. Subsequently he \\' as honored at a farewell program presented by col!Pge and academy students in the school auditorium. Helen Sasey opened the pntPrtainment \\·ith an organ solo, "Offel'toire," by Batiste. The academy C'hOl'US then gave "Eal'th BelO\Y Is cap pell a). by Haydn. i "PPtitions for Bishop Buddy,'' a song- dance pantomime adapted from Fran- cis Thompson's "The Making of Yiola,'' was featured in the prog!'am. In the verse speaking choil' for this number, Ann Margaret Braun and Mary Lou Falter chanted light voice; Rosemary McLenon, medium voice, and Jean McLean, dark ,·oice. Frances Gearhart gave the solo dance and Betty Owens, Norma Woodhouse, Edna Digman and June Grove partici- pated in the group dance. Students of the voice department sang the pan- tomime chorus to the accompaniment from "Coppelia" (Leo Delibes), played on the violin by Elizabeth Bacon. As I.he representative of the school, Beat- rice Brennan extetnded congratula- tions lo the Bishop and presented him with a basket of roses. In response, Buddy spoke of his past asso- ciation with Mount St. Scholastica and paid tribute to Benedictine ideals and practice. He PXJJressed appreciation for the co-operation received from the staff of Benedictine Sisters of the Ca- thedral School in St. Joseph dul'ing his ten years' rectorship at the Cathedral. He prai eel lhe loyalty and devotion to both Church and alma mater shown by lhe St. Joseph Chapter of the II-fount St. Scholaslica Alumnae. Fi- nally he spoke of lhe friendship be- tween himself and faculty and stu- dents of Mount St. Scholastica College and Academy. To Benedictiue educa- tion he ::\'a,-e the highest praise, show- ing- that it stressed the traits of a valiant woman. The message which lhe Bishop left with the as ·embly was Lhat true success in life depends on courage and that all life is a matter of either courage or cowardice. Thll 1 program "concluded with an otg!n solo, "Postlude" (Whiting), played by Cath- Prine Krrntz. The college seniors were the gue~ts of tlw school at a formal I breakfagt with Bishop Buddy. 1 Tepming'' (a

TO HONOR BISHOP BUDDY The pupils of the Convent of the Sa• 1 creel Heart will give a play TuPsday morning in the assembly room. follow- ing the 11ass His Excellency the 11osl J Rev. Charle F. Buddy will offer in 1 the convent chapel. Following the children's entertainment. the Children I of }fary will meet the Bishop inform- r ally in the south parlor at 10:30 o'clock. 1

ST. MARY COLLEGE Leavenworth. Kan. -The St . .'.l[ary College unit of the Cathoiic Poetry So- 1 ciety met Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock in the social room of the rol- lege. 'J'he features of the meeting were a report on poems submitted by pupils al the Home of th e Good Shep- herd, Kansas City, Mo.. by Miss Cath• I erine Bradshaw, head of th e L atin a n d Greek Department of tile coll ege; a translation of a French poem, "The Crncifix." by Ch arlouise Smit h , and a report on Audrey Wurdemann and her poetry, by Beverly Colbern. The Most Rev. Charles F. B udd y, I recen tly ordained Bishop of San Diego in Cali fornia, was a guest at th e col• lege Jan. 12. T h e Bishop cele b rated '.\'Iass in the Ch apel of the Annuncia- tion Tuesday morning. Tuesday after- noon at 2 o'clock an informal recep- tion was held in the s ocial r oom . I


\ I DINNER TO BISHOP BUDDY IN LEAVENWORTH The Priests of the Leavenworth Deanery were guests of St. Mary's Col- lege, Leavenworth, at a dinner given last Tuesday in honor of His Excellen- cy, the Most Reverend Charles F. I Buddy, D.D., Bishop of San Diego. Among the guests of honor was the Very Reverend Maurice F. Connor, Pastor of St. James Church, St. Joseph and former Pastor of St. Joseph's Cathedral with Father Buddy as his assistant. The Very Reverend M. J. O'Farrell, Rector of the Cathedral at Leavenworth and Director of the Prop- agation of the Faith as well as Dean of the Leavenworth district acted as I toastmaster. Three Religious Orders I were represented at the dinner and the following responded eloquently to im- l promptu toasts: Very Reverend Mau- rice F . Connor. St. Joseph, the Rev- erend Edward J. Weisenberg, S.J., the Reverend Brocard A. Koehler, O.Carm.. the Reverend Justin Sion, O.S.B., and the Reverend Thomas A. Lennan, F.S.A., who spoke on behalf of the Army and assured the new Bishop of the warm welcome awaiting him and the patriotic cooperation of the high calibered officers "'ho man the Fed- eral Naval Base at San Diego.


FUND COMMITTEE During thp past week letters were sent to parishioners of the Cathedral asking for a donation to the Bishop Buddy Fund. to be sent to 1118 Corby Building- as soon as possible. Not only the members of the Cathedral Parish are asked to contribute, but all friends of Bishop-elect Charles F. Buddy are included in the solicitation. We quote I from lhe letter: "In connection with the pride and satisfaction which we must all feel in the high honor that our wise mother, the Church, has bestowed upon one so deserving, we cannot overlook the practical obligations which this en- tails. It will take a substantial sum of money for the physical equipment which is necessary to prepare a Bish-

FINAL REPORT FOR BISHOP BUDDY FUND Following is the final report of the Bishop Buddy fund committee: 'rota] subscription s to purse, banked at Empire Trust Co. . $3,949.00 DISBURSEMENTS Stamps-$20, $3 and



On Thursday morning at 10: 30 o'clock the teaching staff of Benedic- tine Sister~ and the children of the Cathedral School, together with many of their parents, assembled in the School Auditorium to tender a fare- well program to the Most Reverend Charles F. Buddy, Bishop of San Diego. , The whole elegant program was very touching and proved a work of art, especially the tableau Rosa Mystica. I At the close of the delightful program Miss Dorothy Scott, president of the Eighth Grade, presented a large bou- 1 quet of American Beauty Roses in the midst of which appeared an artistic. handpainted spiritual bouquet rich with thousands of treasures of the spiritual works of the children. The Bishop requested that the roses be placed before the Tabernacle in the I re- sponded feelingly to the good wishe of the children. At the same time ex- horting them to be faithful in their practice of frequent Holy Communion and devotion to our Savior in the ~Jost Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. He concluded by granting them a free day next }Ionday, February 1. The follow- ing is the program: "GOD BE WITH YOl"' Congratulations ......... Tiny Friends 'Tis God Who Sends the Call ..... . ............. . .. . ... Alice Anderson Parting ... . ....... St. Gregory's Choir Pals .......... . . . ......William Bode Rose ".\fystica ....... Children of Mary Presentation ........... Dorothy Scott Violins..N'orma Rose Olsen. Jerome Lee Cathedral. The former pastor


...... . ..... $ Circular


Hoerath - letters and en- velopes ....... . . . Lawlor Printing Co. --Return envelopes Lawlor Printing Co. - 150 stage reser- vations and envel- opes, 25 "official car" slickers .... Drown Transfer Co. - Taxi service for Bishops and priests Clerical hire ...... . }farnel! Orchestra .. Janitors' services at Auditorium ..... . Postcards (70) .... . 1Iessenger service .. Office supplies and record book ... . . Entertaining layman from San Diego .. Lawlor Printing Co. -Printing list of subscribers Kirkpatrick J~,~~i{•y Co. - Enameled book for list. .... Kirkpatrick Jewelry Co. - Engraving book and crest. . . .

18.21 3.79

Luncheon Bri ll iant Affair-The lad- / ies of St. Ann's Altar Society spon- sored a luncheon in St. Charles Hall last Thursday at 1 o'clock compli- mentary to His Excellency, the .i.\'Iost Reverend Charles F. Buddy, D.D., I Bishop of San Diego. It was a most elegant affair in all its appointments. The St. Charles Hall was artistically decorated in the Papal colors which hung from the four chandeliers and .also festooned the pillars. The same color motif complemented the table de-I signs and the favors which were in the form of a California century plant. Mrs. Thomas B. Rogers, retiring presi- dent. introduced Mrs. John T. Dolan, Chairman of the Program Committee. A delightful group of musical numbers .and readings delighted the large as- sembl)- of 175 ladies. Toward the dose of the program ~Irs. O. T. ~Iiller, Pres- ident of St. Ann·s Altar Society, made an eloquent address including a fare- well poem written by herself at the close of which she presented a gener- ous and princely purse to Bishop Buddy on behalf of the Altar Society. The following took part in the program: Mis Annie Plato, ~Irs. James Garvey, Miss Patricia Keller. ~Iiss HPlen Dolan, ~frs. Philip Thompson, )lrs. Theo Quinn. }Iiss Antoinette Schwien and }Iiss Adelaide Plato.



The committee on arrangements for the farewell banquet to be given for I Bishop C. F. Buddy of San Diego Dio- cese is completing final arrangements 1 for the affair. The banquet will be l Thursday evening in the Council and their ladies. K. OF C. NOTES The testimonial banquet held for Bishop Buddy last Sunday evening ,ms attended by a large crowd of members of the Council and friends of Bishop Buddy. The speaker of the evening ,ms Dr. B. iY. ~Iurphy, and seYeral other talks were made. by Thomas A. Langen of St. Louis. State Deputy; Thomas B. O'}ieara. Grand Knight of the !oral Council; Bishop C. H. Le Blond. Bishop Buddy and ,}L F. Fog- arty. who read the resolutions from the St. Joseph and San Diego Coun- C'ils. Francis Smith acted as toast- master.

24.30 45.00 1'ti.oo 8.00 .70 .85 1.02 19.27



15.00 Total expenditures.. $ 195.93 Draft to Bishop Buddy . . . . 3,753.07



Ch a irm an .



I Note~Canceled receipts, I du~hc-a te deposit slips an d list of s ub- scnbers on file in th e offi ce of the , Catholic L aymen's Corporation. checks,

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