Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1936-37 (1)


I - \ Very Rev. Charles F. Buddy

BISHOPS AND CHAPLAINS For Consecration Services of His Excellency the Most Reverend Charles F. Buddy, D.D., Bishop of San Diego Consecl'atol' - His Excellf'ncy, Lhe I Most Reverend Charles Hubert Le Blond, D.D., •B ishop of St. Joseph. First C'o-ConsecJ'ator-His Excellen- cy, the ::11ost Reverend Gerald T. Ber- l gan. D.D., Bishop of Des Moines; Chap- lains. Ver~· RP\'.. T. M. Sullivan. S.M., the Rev. ,vmiam D. Delaney. Second Co-Consecrator-His Excel- I 1enc:v, the Most Reverend Francis J, Monaghan, D.D., Coadjntol' Bishop of I Ogdensburg. Chaplains, the Rev. F1·ank J. Magner, the Rev. Nicholas ,v. Brink- man. I A1·ch bishops-Th Most Reverend I Francis .J. Beckman. D.D., A,·chbishop of Dubuque; C'hapla ins, Rev. Adolph .J. Kuhlman, S..J.; Very Rev. James V. , Flannen', C.M. The Most Rev. .John .T. Cantwell, D.D, Archbishop of Los An- geles; Chaplains, Very Rev. William P. I Barr. C.M.; Very Rev. William P. Kelly, O.S.A. The Most R<>v. Rudolph A. Ger- l ken, D.D., Archbishop of Sante Fe; C'hapla ins. YP1-y Rev. ,John .T. Cronin, C.M.; Yery Rev. T . .J. Flavin, C.M. The Most Rev. .John .T. Glennon, D.D., I Archbishop of St. Louis: Chaplains, Ver~" Rev. .John .J. O'Neill, the Rev. F. J. I F.:rnst. Bishops-The Most Rf'v. William L. Adl'ian. D.D., Bishop of Nashville; C'haplains. the Rev. W'illiam F. Gott, the Rev. R. E. Graham. The Most Rev. Henry Althoff, D.'.D., !Bishop of Belle- ville; Chaplains. the Rev. S. T. Tucker, the Re,·. P .. 1. Doole~•. The Most Rev. Stanislaus Y. Bona. D.D.. Bishop of/ fl rand faland; C'haplains, the Rev. Thomas F. C'oakle,·. Yery Rev. A. .T. Blaufuss. The l\fost Rev. .James A. Griffin, D.D., Bishop of Spl'ingfield, Ill.; C'haplains. the Rev. Paul Regan. :M.S.; the Rf'\'. Herman .r. Stier, C.P. The Most Rev. Edmond Heelan. Bishop of Sioux City; Chaplains, the Rev. Henry Alberg, the Rev. Francis 0. McCal'thy. Th<' ~fost Rev. Louis B. Kucera, D.D., Bishop of Lincoln; Chaplains, Rev. Ray- mond .T. O'Flahert~•. Rev. Richard J. HPnnessy. Th<' :lfnst Rev. Francis l\L Kt'll,·. D.D., Disl10]) of Winona: C'hap- lains. Ven• Rt'v. M. .T. O'Fanell, Very ReY. Thomas .1. McNamal'a. The Most Rev. Thomas F. Lillis. D.D., Bishop of Kansas C'ity; Chaplains. Rev. ,-ictor M. ,reairher. C'.T'P.S.; Ve1-y Rev..Tames W. Donahue. C'.S.C'. The ,lost Rev. Roberl K Lucey, D.D., Bishop of AmariJlo; C'haplains. Rev. Louis F. Kelleher, Rev. Henn· W. Gross. The Most Rev. Wil- liam ·u. O'Brien. D.D., Auxillary ,Bisho p of Chicago; Chaplains, Rev. .Joseph T. McGucken, Rev. Patrick H. Dolan. C.S.C. The Most Rev. T. C. O'Reilly, Bishop of Scranton; Chaplains, the Rev. C. A. :lfaxwell, ReY. Marshal I F. \Yinn<'. C'.:IL The Most Rev..Joseph E. Ritter. Bishop of Tndianapolis; Chaplains, Rev. Ed- ward Mallen, Rev. T. C. Fox. The Most R ev. Henry P. Rohlman, D.D.. Bishop of Davenport; Chaplains. Rev. Bernard S. Ow<"ns. Rev. M. G. Rupp, The Most Rev. .James H. Ryan, D.D.. Bishop of Omaha: C'haplains. Rev. Raymond Mc- Gowan. Rev. .Tulius Haun. The Most Re,·. .To~epb H. Schlarman. D.D., Bishop of Peoria: C'haplains, Rev. Lawrence Cl'c\'iston, Rev. .Jeremiah O'Connor. The I ,Tost Rev. August .J. Schwertner, D.D., Bishop of Wichita; Chaplains, Rev. Henry Schutten, C'.SS.R.; RReY. Nicho- la,s ::lfeinhardt. The ::1-fost Rev. Joseph Schrembs, D.D., Bishop of Cleveland; I Chaplains. Re\'. Edmond Connolly, Rev. John 1\Ioriarb·. The ::I-lost Rev. Chris- tian Winl{elmann, D.D., Auxiliary Bish- op of Sj:. Louis; Chaplains, Rev. John ZielinRki, ReY. Francis Wileta, O.M.C. The Right Rev. Philip Ruggle, O.S.B .. Abbot Conception Abbey; Chaplains, Rev. w·. I. Conrad, Rev. P. J'. Gilfillan. The Right Rev. ;\[artin Veth. O.S.•B., .!.bbot St. Benedict's Abbey; Chaplains, Rev. Paul vValdl'on, Rev. Otho Sullivan, O.S.B. Chaplains to His Excellency. the :\lost Reoverend Charles F. Buddy. D.D.- 1 The Rev. Augustine Mc:Neill and the Rev..Tobn K. Cartwright.

To Be Consecrated I

(Continu~d from First !'age)

O'Rourke anll

the Rev. Charles S.

Nowland. The sermon will be preached by the Most Rev. John J. Glennon, Arch- bishop of St. Louis. There will be numerous prelates, .\ionsignori and priests participating in the solemn but colorful ceremonies. ::\1usic will be furnished by the .\1onastery Choir of Conception Abbey. Places haYe been reserved for va- rious Communities of Sisters in the diocese and from adjacent cities. It is predictell that the Cathedral will be ' crnwded to the doors long before the consecration ceremonies begin. A pub- lic address system will be installed for the benefit of those unable to gain admission. A procession of the Church digni- taries, priests, members of the various religious orders, seminarians and altar boys will form a procession from the rectory to the Cathedral. The great honor which will be be- stowed upon Father Buddy has come twenty-two years after his ordination to the priesthood. During these twenty- two vears he has served entirely in St. Joseph, either as assistant or as pastor of St. Joseph's Cathedral, where I he has builded for himself a record of senice that has won for him the rec- ggnition of the Holy Father. The consecration ceremonies in the morning \;·ill be followed at noon by a banquet for the Yisiting dignitaries and clergymen in honor of the new Bishop at Hotel Robidoux. SeYeral hundred clergy, many from large cities of the 'Cnited States, are expected to attend.

Daniel Shel~han l-'hoto MOST REV. JOHN L. GLENNON, S.T.D. Archbishop of St. Louis

,1os·1· rtEY. FRANnS J. 1IOXAGHAN Co:. d.i u tor Di~h o1, of O~·densburg, :X. Y.

Most R ev. C. H. Le B lond, D.D., Bishop of St . Joseph

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