Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1936-37 (1)


Many Prelates T Be Here For Impressive Rites

CATHEDRAL CLUB The Cathedral Club has isued 100 invitations to members and guests to an informal reception in honor of the Most Rev. Charles F. Buddy, Ph.D., D.D., Bishop of San Diego in Califor- nia, to be held on Tuesday evening, Dec. 29, in St. Charles Hall, the Ca- thedral. Miss Antoinette Schwien is chairman of the program and serving committee and will be assisted by Misses Frieda Homsey, Margaret Powell, Esther Ray, Bernice Scanlan and Margaret Tushaus. Miss Helen Dolan, chairman of the invitation com- mittee, has as her assistants Misses Helen and Loretta Ryan and Mary Ellen Richardson. Louis F. Meister, in charge of the decorations commit- tee. will be assisted by Misses Eliza- beth Conway, Catherine Eggleston, Mary Elizabeth Gittings, Helen Mc- Hugh, Mary Elizabeth Jackson, Myrtle Meister and Nadine Willman, Mrs. Helen Hoffman, William Brown, Fran- cis Cunerty, Gas Garish, John and Robert Morrow, Fred Slater and Lau- rence J. Thomson. Edward A. Thom- son, president of the Cathedral Club, is general chairman of arrangements. Banquet for Clergy At Hotel Robidoux Foilowing Consecration Ceremonies Following the consecration cere- monies :\Ionday, the cler2:y will be gfren a banq1wt at Hotel Robidoux, the :\lost Re,·. Charles F. Buddy, PhD.. D.D.. bei112: '10,t. Right ReY. J. P. Brady, Y.G., P .. \11.. will be toast- master and addresses will be giYen bv the Yen- Re\". J. J. O'Xeill, the R·eY. J. K. Cartwri2:ht, S.T.D.. D.D.. of Washington. D. C.. the Rev. L. F. Kelleher, D.D.. of Canton. :\lass., the Right RPV. :\lsgr. J. )I. Hegarty, V.F., of San Diego, Cal.. the :\lost Rev. J. J. C'anl\Yell: D.D.. of Los Angeles, Cal.,' and the :\Iost Rev. C. H. Le Blond, D.D., Bishop of St. Joseph.


<-!> Bishop Le Blond to Consecrate New San . Diego Ordinary Charles F. Buddy, titled Very Rev-- erend Father Buddy. Ph.D., during his services to his Church \Yithin the Dio- cese of St. Joseph, will be elevated lo the Hierarchy in St. Joseph's Cathe- dral on the Feast of St. Thomas tha Apostle :\Ionday morning at 9: 30 I o'clock, when he will be consecratecr first Bishop of the new Diocese of San Diego in California. One of the greatest gatherings of Church dignitaries in the history of the St. Jospph Diocese will assembl . in St. Joseph's Cathedral for the age- old ritual of the Church which mark« the consPcration of a native son of St. Joseph as a Bishop of the Church of Goel. In addition to the consecrator, the .Most Rev. C. H. Le Blond. D.D., Bish- op or St. Joi'eph, and the co-consecra- !ors. thP :\fost Re,·. Gerald T. Bergen Bishop of ne~ :\Ioines, and the Most Rev. Francis J. ~Ionagllan, Coadjuto1 Bishop of OgclPnsburg, N. Y., a class- mate ot tlw Aishop-elec!. the Pres-- byter Assistant will be the Yery Re,. Basis Onlernatt, O.S.B.: Reader of the :\IanclatP. tlw YPry ReY. ~Iaurice F Connor. S.T.L.. pastor of St. James'; dPacon,s .of honor. the Rev. James Am- bro~e :\Iunay, PhD.. D.D., pastor of St. Francis De Paula Church, Chicago . and thP Re\'. Denis P. :\lulcahy, pas• tor of thP Immaculate Conceptioll Church. Brookfield. :\.fo.; deacon of· tlw :\la~s. the Re,·. Camill 1Iarosz. O.:\LC.. Ph ll.. ll.D.. pastor of 8S. Pete1 and Paul's Church; subdeacon, thE. · ReY. John F. Bannon, S.J., St. Stanis• Jaus XoYi1iaf P, CIPYeland, Ohio; mas- I tPrs of ceremonie~. the Rev. :\!$gr Leo Binz, Ph.D., D.D., \\"ashington D. C.. and the Rev. Leo J. Ruggle: assistant masters of ceremonies, tilt Rev. Patrick J. Connor. the Rev. Cor nelius Cleary, the Re,. Dennis O'Dnignan, the Rev. :Vlichael J (<'nntinuNI ,rn Elghth Page)

-Photo by Shultz.

Jlost Rev. Charles F. Buddy

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