Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1936-37 (1)

_._-S.\ S CITY TL\IES. fL\.TCRD~\Y, ~-OYE)fBEil 7. 1!)36. LOSE ST JOSEPH LEADER dained at St. John's Lateran cathe- • dral in Rome in 1914, he rema ·ned iu

made at St. Joseph's cathedral while he has been rector. He opened St. Vincent's cafeteria for the feeding anct hol!sing of the poor in 193l, and ope.i;at~ it thrE.>e yeai-s. ranng for thou. ancts before the federal gove1n- l ment took it over. In 1925. l1e organ- ! ized a chmch :{or Neg,roes here. It is expected he will go to San Diego about February 1.


Ap1Joinlrn nt C'omeQ fl~ Surprise to l'J'ie,t \\ ho Ha, 'fa!.l•n l'romi- Jl(•Ht l'an in th,• (.'ilJ ·s " 'el• J,u·e \\'ol'I... . (By The Star's own Service.) ST. JO!SEPH, Mo., Nov. 6.-St. Joseph will lo~e one of its most popular Cath- olic clergymen and a leader in civic and philanthropic work early next J year when tl1e Very Rev. Charles F. Buddy takes up his new post as bishop of the diocese of San Diego, Cal. / The California diocese was recently created and includes Imperial, River- side, San Diego and San Bernardino ' counties. Pope Pius elevated Father Buddy to the bishopric a few days ago, and the order was a complete surprise to the priest. Father Buddy, a St. Joseph boy, son. of the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Buddy, is 49 yeai·s old and is rector of St. Joseph's cathedral here. He is active in civic, charitable and socio- logical work. i, a member of the city board of health, and diocesan director of the Pontifical Society for the Prop- ag·ation of the Faith. He has served at the local cathedral since 1915. aft er having :i;eceived his do~tor o! philosophy degree in Rome. His early schooling was received here and at Atchison, Kas., and the late •-- Bishop M. F . Burke sent the young the man to Rome to study at the North I I American colle-ge. After being or-

Tnrn, Nove111ber 16, 1936


When Pope Pius XI set up a new archdiocese with Los Angeles as its centre last month, and elevated Bi~hop John Joseph Cantwell to be ar~hb1sbop, San Diego became a separate diocese (TIME, Oct. 5) . Last week the Holy Father made known his choice for bishop of that see: a tall, husky, affable priest named Very Rev. Charles Francis Buddy, 49, rector of St. J osepb's Cathedral in St. J oseph, Mo. Sorry to see Monsignor Buddy go to San Diego, which he bas never before visited will be a number of youngsters in St. Joseph's Cathedral School with whom he plays handball, baseball, basketball, marbles. Those sports Charles Buddy, son of a wholesale fruit merchant, learned in






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studying and th~n returned home.

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Is Appointed First Bishop of San Diego (By N. 0. W. 0. News Service) \Vashington, Nov. 3.-Appoint- inent ot the Very Rev. Dr. Charles 1~. Buddy, rector of St. Joseph's Ca- thedral, St. Joseph, Mo., as first Bishop of the newly formed Diocese of San Diego is announced in word from Rome received at the Apos- tolic Delegation here. Bishop-elect Buddy was born. at St. Joseph, J\Io., Oct. 4, 1887. After attending the Christian Brothers' school in St. J oseph, the high school department or St. Benedict's Col- lege, Atchison, l{ans., and St. Mary's College, Kansas, Dr. Buddy went to the North American Col- lege in Rome, where he received the degree of doctor of philosophy in 1311 and the degree Licenliate of Sacred Theology ln ·1913. He was ordained to the 1>riesthood at Rome, in the Basilica. of St. John I Lateran, Sept. 19, 1~14. Jn addition lo JJeing rector of St. Joseph's Cathedral, an office to which he was named on March 15, 1926, Bishop-elect Buddy has also served as director of the P ontifical Society for the Propagation of the Faith in the Diocese of st. J oseph, and as a member of t he Board of Diocesan Consultors. 'rhe Diocese of San Diego, of which Bishop-elect Buddy has been named the first Ordinary, was erected 9 n September, when the new Ecclesiastical Province of Los Angeles was instituted. The Dio- cese of San Diego, embracing San Diego, Imperial, Riverside, and Sau Bernardino Counties in Cali- fornia, was formerly part of the Diocese of Loa Angeles and San Diego. 'l'he Church of St. Joseph I in San Diego has been designated the Cathedral Church.

BISHOP-ELECT BUDDY . .. will no longer play marbles in Missouri. St. Joseph streets. His baseball impro_ved when he was sent, like many another bn~ht youth with a vocation and the_ backing of his bishop, to the North Amenca'.1 Col- lege in Rome in 1909. Ordamed m the St. John Lateran Basilica in 1914, he re- turned to St. Joseph , rose quickly ii;i the shadow of its Cathedral. Monsignor Buddy sits on the municipal Board of He~lth, aids in Community Chest campaigns. founded northern Missouri's first Negro Catholic church an Information Forum for people of ~II creeds, a river-front shelter and cafeteria which the Govern- ment took over in 1934 as a transient re- lief bureau. In the shelter, whose motto was " \Ve never ask questions," M_onsign_or Buddy did such good deeds as buy~ng hair- cuts and hair ribbons for little girls who thanked him because: "We wanted to look nice for Sunday School at the Methodist Church tomorrow."

Luncheon Brilliant Afiait


The ladies of s t. Ann's Altar society spon sored a luncheon in I St. Charles Hall last Thursday at 1 o'clock complimentary to His 1 Excellen cy, t h e Most Reverend Ch arles F . Buddy, D.D ., Bishop of San Diego. The S t. Cha rles Hall was artis- tically decorated in the Papal col- ors which hung from the four chandeliers and also festooned the pillars . The same color motif 1 complemented the table designs and the favors which were in the form of a California century I plant .

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