Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1936-37 (1)


(Monday, December 21, 193

The Ancient Ceremonies by JVhich a Bishop Is Consecrated

way of the King. Every day's jour- ney he marked by a mission ohurch un·til he had reached the ~nows of the north. "California is proud of these saintly men; of the work they did for the poor Indians; and of the churches they builded, many of which are still fortunately left fol our admiration. Bishop Buddy may well feel gratefuul that San Diego cradled the glorious enterprise, and remained the mother church of them all. May Go Forth Joyfully. 1 "Thus uniting lhe name and work I of the great Charles with the zeal and courage of the sons of St. Fran- cis, you Charles Francis, may go forth joyfully. The city of St. Jos- eph you may have to leave behind, but the protection of St. Joseph shall still be with you. We pray that as you reach your new home, with the oriflamme of faith before you, every step of yours may be on the highway of the King and in the footsteps of the padres." The text of Archbishop Glennon's sermon was "Take Heed to Your- selves, and to the Whole Flock, Wherein the Holy Ghost Hath Placed You Bishops, to Rule the Church of God, Which He Hath Purchased With His Own Blood." The text of Bishop LeBlond's prayer follows: May this, O Lord. flow abundanliy upon °hi:-: head, may this run down upon his t11eek~, ma~· thi~ exlencl unto the extremities of his whole bodr, so that , inwardlv he ma)' be filled with the power Or 'l'lly ~p_irit, and nut.w:n:d~y ma v he clothed w1lh lhat ~ame spmt. ~Ia~- constant faith, pure loYe, sincere piety :l hound in him. ).1ay hiR feet. liy 1 'l'hy gift be 1wa11ti[u\ for announcing the glad ti clings of peace, for a nnounc- ing- ·the glad tidings nf Th)· go_ocl things. Grant to him. 0 Lord, the min- istry or reconcilialion in wonl and in deed, In the power of signs and of wonders. Let his speech and his preach- ing be not in the persuasive wo1·ds of human wisdom, but in the showin,1s of the spirit and of power. Give to him, o Lord, the keys of the kingdom of I he:n•en. so that he may make use, not boast, of the power which Thou be- I slowest unto edification, not unto de- struction. ·whatsoever he shalJ bind upon earth, Jet it be bound likewise in heaven, and whatsoever he shall loose upon earth, let it likewise be loosed in heaYen. Whose sins he shall ,·etain, Jet them be retained, and do Thou remit the sins of whomsover he shalJ remit. Let him who shalJ curse him, himself be accursed, and let him who shall bless him be filled with blessings. Let him be the faithful and prudent sen-ant whom Thou dost set, O Lorrl, over 'l'h)· household, so tlw.t Iv~ nu1.y giye them food in due season, Find rroYe hit11seir a per(ert 111211. May he be untiring In his solirilurle. rer- YPnf in ~piri1. ;\I :-1.v hP

-News-Press Staff Photograph. One of the many colorful scenes this morning at St. Joseph's Cathedral where Father C. F. Buddy was made Bishop Buddy. Shown prominently with white cape around his shoulders sits Bishop-el-ect Buddy. To the right may be seen the profile of Bishop C. H. LeB!ond, who PHformed the consecration ceremony. Seated in the sanctuary are archbishops, bishops, abbots, monsignors and priests.. On either side of Bishop Buddy are the co-consecrators.

Stresses Work of Saint. He stressed in outline the work of St. Charles Borromeo for the church and then said: ''And now, my friends, can I do bette1· than bring before you the name and fame and work of the illustrious bishop of Milan-he who was and is for all time the model bishop-the forerunner and exem- plification of what our present holy father, whom may the Lord conserve, designates as Catholic ac- tion? Can I do better, I say, than set before your excellency, Charles Francis, by the grace of God and the favor of the apostolic see, con- secrated today bishop of the diocese of San Diego, a more fitting model to follow than your illustrious namesake, St. Charles Borromeo?'" Special tribute was paid to Bishop Buddy by Archbishop Glennon for his work along charitable lines, which the visiting prelate compared to that of St. Charles Borromeo. Has Answered Cry of Poor. "Bishop Buddy has heard the poor crying for bread. and he gen- erously answered them," the arch- bishop said. "He has comforted the anguished heart of the many who broke under the burden of economic depression. and helped them to a better day. Their tears and their prayers will follow him. "As he looks to his new home in the golden West he has much to console him. Sometimes a diocese is compared to a bride, and the blessed ring received in consecra-1 tion by the bishop connotes it. If 1 natural beauty and adornment are the usual distinction and equipment of a bride, then surely such are the gifts of this Far Western diocese, for there proudly wearing the orange blossoms of her own crea- tion she sets by the waters of the great ocean whose other name is peace. Quest of Souls. "Such adornments, however, the bishop seeks not; his quest is the quest of souls. These he would draw away from worldliness and vanity I and sin and death. To all these he would bring the beauty of truth. ,·irtue and God. "He is going to a land of blessed traditions. To San Diego long ago c-ame Fra Junipero Sen-a. There he and his companions started on their way, which he made the high- frl I , J r. rr rrr

Lasts Several Hours. The Most Rev. C. H. LeBlond, bishop of the diocese of St. Joseph, was the consecrating bishop and the co-consecrators were the Most Rev. Gerald T. Bergan, bishop of I Des Moines, and the Most Rev. Francis J. Monahan, coadjutor bishop of Ogdensburg, N. Y. The consecration service and mass took several hours, but the imposition of the hands witti the words "Receive the Holy dhost" i,; the essential and simple rite by which the episcopal order is con- ferred. l\lonl,s' Choir Chants. While a warm December sun streamed in through the windows of the Cathedral sanctuary and the voices of the monks' choir from the Benedictine Abbey at Concep- tion, Mo., intoned the Gregorian chant of the mass and consecration , service, the dignitaries of the Cath- olic church exemplified the ritual at which the new prelate received the tangible appurtenances of his office, lhe pectoral cros~. ring, mitre. I croziei·, sandiils, gJov"'~, snchetto I (little skull cap) and gremial or apron. After the consecrator, Bishop Le- Blond, had annointcd !be head of the new bishop with oil he offered the following prayet· of petition for the speherd of Christ. Sermon by Axchbirshop. In a scholarly sermon, the Most Rev. John J. Glennon, archbishop of St. Louis, declared that Bishop Buddy could ba,·e no better exam- ple to follow than his patron saint. Charles Borromeo, sixteenth cen- tury bishop of Milon. St. Charles Borromeo through four centuries has been regarded as a model bishop, a great reformer who would restore all things in Christ, the St. Louis prelate said. The saint was one of three men of the sixteenth century who be- yond all others wrought valiantly for God and the Catholic church. The other two, said the archbishop, were Ignatius of Loyola and Philip Neri.

THRONG SErn f ATHER BUODf MADE BISHOP Scriptural Words of Christ Used as Bishop LeBlond Lays Hands on Rector of Cathedral. PANOPLY OF PURPLE Archbishops, Bishops, Abbots and Monsignori From Many Parts of Country Here for Ancient and Colorful Con- secration Rites of Roman Catholic Church-Sermon Preached by Archbishop Glennon of St. Louis. the Scriptural words of Christ, ..Receive the Holy Gho~t," and the laying of the hands of the consec1ating prelates upon his head and hands, Father Charles F. Buddy this morning was elevated to the bishopric of the Roman Catholic Church. The ceremony, rich in the ancient ritual of the church and as colorful RS a pageant of the Middle Ages, was performed in St. Joseph's Ca- thedral which the new prelate has ~erved for twenty-two years as as- ~istant and later as pastor. With

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