Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1936-37 (1)


Prayer of Petition


OUTHETI1 CROSS Frid· y, December ~5, 193G

GREAT CROWD PRESENT IN ST. JOSEPH FOR CERE ;oF, ELEVATION TO THE BIS Archbishops, Bishops, Abbots, fonsignori and Religious From Many Parts of Country Present for Colorful Rites; Sermon Preached by Archbishop -----0----- V!ith the Scriptural words of Christ, "Receive thr l Holy Ghost," and the 1a y i n g of the hands of l the- consecrating prelates upon his head and hand', Fa.ther Charles Francis Buddy was elevated to the bishop- ric of the Catholic Church and became the first Bishop of San Diego, Monday morning in St. Joseph's Cathedral, S . ,Joseph, Mo., where he had served for the entire 22 year.3 BISHOP BUDDY PRAISED FOR AID TO POOR

After the consecrator. LeElond. had annointed the h'.'acl of the new bishop with oil he of- fered the following prayer of pe- tition for the shepherd of Christ: '·May this, O Lord, flow abun- dantly upon his head, may this run down upon his cheeks. may I this extend unto the extremities of his whole body, so that inwardly he may be filled with the power of Thy spirit, and outwardly may be clcthed with the same spirit. May constant faith, pure love. sincere piety abound in him. May his feet by Thy gift be beautiful for announcing the glad tidings of peace, for announcing the glad tidings of Thy good things. Grant to him, O Lord, the ministry of reconciliation in word and in deed, in the power of signs and of won- ders. Let his speech and hi.9 preaching be not in the persuasive words of human wisdom. but in the showing of the spirit and of power. Give to him, O Lord, the keys of the kingdom of heaven, so that he may make use, not boast, of the power which Thou bestow- est unto edification, not unto de- struction. Whatsoever he shall bind upon earth, let it be bound likewise in heaven, and whatso- ever he shall loose upon earth, let it likewise be loosed in heaven. Whose sins he shall retain, let them be retained, and do Thou remit the sins of whomsoever he shall remit. Let him who shall curse him, himself be accursed, and let him who shall bless him b~ filled with blessings. Let him be the faithful and prudent servant whom Thou dost set, O Lord, over Thy household, so that he may give them food in due season, and prove himself a perfect man. May he be untiring in his solicitude, fervent in spirit. May he detest pride, cherish humility and truth, and never desert it, overcome either by flattery or by fear. Let him not put light for darkness, nor darkness for light; let him not call evil good, nor good evil. May he be a debtor to the wise and to the foolish, so that he may gather fruit from the progress of all. 1 Grant to him, O Lord, an espisco- pal chair for ruling Thy Church ' and the people commiitted to him. Be his authority, be his power, be ' his strength. Multiply upon him Thy blessing and Thy grace, so, that by Thy gift he may be fitted for always obtaining Thy mercy, aid by Thy grace may he be faith- ful. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Who liveth and reigneth in the unity of one God, world without end." Procefsion Colorful One of the most colorful of the day's ceremony was the I procession in which more than 300 members of the clergy, students and laymen participated. Four archbishops, twenty-three bish- · ops and fourteen monsignori took their place in the procession along with the hundreds of priests and laymen. Among the bishops pres- ent was the Most Rev. Bishop F. Lillis, senior bishop of the United States, who was con- secrated about thirty-five years ago .

tion by the bLhop conno·te!'" it. If natural beauty and adornment a"t he the usual di£tinction and equip-

better than brlng before yo..i he I name and fame and work of h illustrious bishop of Milan - who was and is for all tiln

the ment of a bride, then rnrely such model bishop-the forerunner and are the gifts of Far ''\lestern exemplification of wh t our p1 s- dicce~e, for there proudly wearing ent h:ily father, whom may th' the crange blcs-oms of her own Lord conserve, de.oignates as Ca- creation she sets by the waters of

the great ocean whose other name

1 tholic action? Can I do better. I say, than set before your excel!- ency, Charles Francis, by the grace of God and the fa var of the apos- tolic see, consecrated today b1 h- op of the diccese of San Diego, a more fitting model to follow than your illustrious namesake, St. Charles Borromeo?" Special tribute was paid to Bish- op Buddy by Archbishop Glennon for his work along charitable _ lines, which the visiting prelate compared to that of St. Charles Has Answered Cry of Poor "Bishop Buddy has heard the poor crying for bread, and he gen- erously answered them,'' the Arcb- bishop !:'.lid. "He has comforted the anguifhed heart of the many

is peace.

Que£t of Soul~

"Such adornments. however, the bishop seeks not; his quest is thP ouest of souls. These he would draw away from worldliness and vanity and sin and death. To al1 these he would bring the beauty of truth, virtue and God. "He is going to a land of bless ed traditions. To San Diego long ago came Fra Serra. There he and hi<; companiom ~tarted on their way, which he made the highway of the King. Every day's journey he marked by a mission church until he had reached the snows of the north. "California is proud of these saintly men; of the work they did for the POOT Indians: and of the clmrches they builded, many of wh:ch are s:ill fortunately left for our admiration. Bishop Buddy may well feel grateful that San Diego cradeled the glorious enter- prise, and remained the mother church of them all. :. May Go Forth Joyfully I "Thus urFting the name and · work of the great Charles with tht" zeal and courage cf the r,~ns of St. Francis, you, Charles Francis, may go forth joyfully. The city of St. Jcseph you may have to leave behind, but the protection of St. Jm:!!ph ruiall still be with you. We J)ray that as you reach your new hcn:e, with the criflamme of faith before ycu, every step of yours may be on the highway of the King and in the footsteps of the padres." The text of Archbishop Glen- nan's sermon was "Take Heed to Yourselves, and to the Whole Flock, Wherein the Holy Ghost Hath Placed You Bishops, to Rule the Church of God, Which He

1 ) f his priesthood. A warm December sun streamed , in through the windows of the great cathedral blessing with Cali- fornia warmth the ceremony un- folding in the ancient ritual of the Church that was to provide 1 for the newly formed diocese on the Pacific coast a spiritual lead- 1 er. The main Altar and the tab- ernacle was draped in red and gold, while poinsettia plants and ferns added to the splendor of the scene and reflected the colorful vestments of the princes of the I Church present to pay honor to 1 the Church's newest bishop. The Most Rev. C. H. LeBlond of ' St. Joseph was the consecrating I bishop, while two classmates of the new prelate, the Most Rev. Bishop Gerald T. Bergan of Des Moines, and the Most Rev. Bishop Francis J. Monahan of Ogdens- burg, N. Y., were the co-consecra- tors. Others who took part directly in the ceremony were the Very Rev. Basil Odermatt, O.S.B., Con- ception, Mo., as presbyter assist- ant; the Very Rev. M. F. Connor of St. Joseph, who read the apos- tolic mandate; the Rev. James A. Murray, pastor of St. Francis De Paula Church, Chicago, and the Rev. Denis P. Mulcahy, pastor of the Immaculate Con c e p t ion church, Brookfield, Mo., deacons o.f honor; the Rev. Camill Marasz, 0. M. C., pastor of SS. Peter and Paul church, St. Joseph, Mo., dea- ' con of the Mass; the Rev. John F. Bannon, S. J., St. Stanislaus No- vitiate, Cleveland, Ohio, subdea- con, and the following assistant masters of ceremonies, the Rev. Patrick J. O'Connor, the Rev. Cornelius Cleary, the Rev. Denis O'Duighnan, the Rev. Michael J. O'Rourke and the Rev. Charles S. Nowland, all of St. Joseph.





which took several hours. Bishop Borromeo. Buddy was presented with the

tangible appurtenances of his of- fice, the pectoral cross. rincr, mi- tre, crozier, sandals. gloves. su- chetto

gremial or apron.

Sermon by Archbi.,hon who broke under the burden of In a scholarly sermon, the Mo,!; economic depression, and help<'cl Rev. John J. Glennon, archbi ·he iJ them to a better day. Their tears of St. Louis, declared that ffshop and their prayers will follow him. Buddy could have no better exam- "A~ he looks to his new home in ple to follow than his patron sairt, the golden West he has much to Charles Borrcmeo, sixteenth eel ·· console him. Sometimes a dioc~l! tury bishop of Milan. is compared to a bride, and the St. Charles Borromeo throug 1 1 blessed ring reeeived in consecra-

four centuries has b~en rer-ardcJ as a model bishop, a greet re'orm- er who would restore all things in Christ, the St. Louis prelate rn·d. The saint was cne of three men of the sixteenth century who be- yond all others wrought valiantly for God and the Catholic Church. The other two, said the archbish- op, were Ign·atius of Loyola ancl Philip Neri. Stresses Work of Saint He streBSed in outline 'he work of St. Charles Borromeo for th Church and then said: do

1 Hath Purchased With His Own Blood.''

I Most Rev. Jchn J. Glennon, S. T. D., Archbishop of St. Louis, oldest in point cf sen· ce of the hierarchy in the United StaJcs, who paid glowing tribute to San I Diego's new bi:ohop in the Conse- cration l\Iass sumon ;.Ion y morning.

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